5 Tips for Painting Clear Resin Effects & Bits

Clear Resin PaintingPainting clear resin effects and bits for games like Warhammer 40k or any sci-fi miniatures is easy with Deadly Print Studios…

Deadly Print Studio has some of the coolest FXs for all kinds of miniature out there, which you can grab hereToday we’ll be talking about how to actually paint up their awesome clear FXs that can be used for Warhammer 40k or any sci-fi miniatures!

Let’s jump into their latest tutorial! 

5 Tips for Painting Clear Resin: Deadly Print Studio

Clear Resin Painting 2Painting clear resin is slightly different from normal painting, but don’t be scared! They have some awesome tips to get you through.

Tip #1

Clear Resin Painting 3Gloss Varnish is your best friend when painting clear resin! They use AK Varnish and put it all on one side of the piece. As you can see above, it makes a huge difference compared to the side without it! To enhance the effect more, they put down a few layers; just make sure you wait until each layer is dry until you put the next one on.

Clear Resin Painting 3Adding more than two layers doesn’t seem to do much, so two should do it.

Tip #2

Clear Resin Painting 4Beware of curing your clear pieces. This can actually give it a yellow tint, which you really don’t want!

Tip #3

Clear Resin Painting 5Inks can also be your friend! They have two methods to try here. First, they use Lahmian Medium and Cassandra Yellow. To start, they do two parts thinner and one part ink. They do this in a few layers, but it will keep the translucent effect.

You generally use more ink towards the outside and keep the middle more translucent. If you want to speed up the drying process, you can also just break out a hair dryer to speed things up! Just be careful because this can make that part malleable.

Clear Resin Painting 6The second option is to use contrast paints. With contrast, they go a 50/50 mix. They still do several layers, but you can see it is thicker than the ink.

Tip #4

Clear Resin Painting 7You can do more than on a normal mini when painting transparent resin. To enhance and contrast the piece, they go darker on the outer edges of the piece; this gives you some super quick and easy contrast. Next up is varnishing.

They mix matte and gloss varnish, and this will enhance the transparency of the effect and give more depth.

Tip #5

Clear Resin Painting 8If you have a very thick resin piece, it will make a big difference in your end effect. You can see the difference here, one is hollow, and one is full of resin.

This is more just about what effect you want. If you go for thicker products, there will be less transparency. Just something good to know!

Click Here To Get Your Clear Resin Effects!

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