RUMORS: The New Games Workshop Paints Product

citadel-color-rumors paint games workshopNew rumors are floating around about what the new Games Workshop Citadel Color paints product is, and Twitter had a lot to say…

The most recent rumors also tie into the new edition of Horus Heresy will come along with all the new paints. This is something a lot of people have wanted from GW for some time, so it would make sense in a way, but we’re not sure if this will come through.

As we originally heard rumors of new sprays, but not necessarily paints that may coincide with the Horus Heresy release this summer…

Games Workshop officialy announced something new is coming to their Citadel Color paint line soon:

Down here in the Warhammer bunker, we’ve been seeing a lot of people scurrying around in white coats, clutching mysterious beakers in many mysterious hues. That can only mean one thing – the Citadel Colour labs have made another breakthrough! 

We went on a hunt for more information, and managed to sneak out this teaser trailer…

New Citadel Color Spray Paints Rumors

We had seen these rumors for a while, and they could perhaps tie into a new color line product as a color match option perhaps.  They were supposedly supposed to tie in with the new Heresy release, and the timing may not be that far off from the looks of it, if true…

These are also new Citadel hobby rumors for new sprays coming to help hobbyists paint up their armies faster.

  • 12 new Spray cans
  • some of them are fitting to layer colors
  • Sons of Horus Green Spray
  • White Scars Spray (return of “true white” as a spray)
  • Valrak Orange Spray (sorry, a joke by the source…)

RUMORS: Games Workshop Making Dropper Bottle Paints

These rumors come from Faeit 212 and they say it’s a pretty solid source for all things Horus Heresy. So, like all rumors, take this with a grain of salt, as all rumors are “fake” till they happen.

Still, this could be a big mix-up for the painting game if true… We’ll also show you some price comparisons, so that way we could guess how much the new GW paints if they materialize, could cost.

Here’s the rumor itself (according to Faeit):

GW is working on an expansion/rework of their paint range. It seems like they will introduce dropper bottles.
Possible we will see this with starter paint sets for Horus Heresy

Games Workshop fairly often changes up the names of paints and such, so the idea of a rework really isn’t anything too crazy, but we’ll cover below why it might not happen. However, if they go to dropper bottles, that would be seriously different. That is why some people use other companies over GW, so if they did that, it might bring a lot of people back into the GW paint fold.

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Some things though are stacked against this rumor. First, they just did a huge change to their paint rack back in 2019 with Contrast. Then, they have actually moved a lot of the Horus Heresy colors (from Forge World) over to the regular GW line already. Lastly, would retailers be ready to buy in on both a huge HH release and a total change of the GW paint rack with droppers this summer?

So we’re not saying this is impossible, there are just some things stacked against a complete rework of the Citadel paint line being real in 2022…

Twitter was having none of it.

From the looks of the comments about GW’s teaser video on the new product, it was overwhelming we want Dropper Bottles!

Other guesses/ wishlisting were a line of colorshift metallics, and updates to the color app!

There were rumors for a while now that the new edition of Horus Heresy would bring about something big for GW paints. Based on what we had heard, and what the community wanted, we thought that meant dropper bottles. Obviously, we were wrong.

Warhammer Community unveiled the new paints with 25 contrast paints, 7 shades, and a new white spray. Either way, it’s always fun to get new paints, so let’s check out what’s on the way.

New Citadel Color Contrast, Shades & Spray Paints From GW

New GW PaintsThere are a lot of new Citadel colors, however, we think a lot of folks were looking for something a bit different. Still, if you love GW’s paints and contrast more specifically, this could be really good.

New GW Contrast Paints

New GW Paints 2

Now it’s time to take it to the next level. 25 new Contrast paints are expanding the range into a whole new realm of vibrant colours. These new paints unlock wilder colour palettes for your armies, meaning they’ll stand out even more on the battlefield – painting mind-blowing models will be easier than ever! 


New GW Paints 3

25 new paints is a lot of colour to cover, so we’ve split the range into four simple categories to help you get an idea of what they look like. These new colours run the gamut from bright and bold to grimy and eerie – whether you’re painting a tank turret or a raging Endless Spell, there’s a pot here for you.


New GW Paints 4There really are some cool colors being added which should make painting a wide range of minis fairly easy. Plus, we won’t complain about new paints, let’s just hope the new line doesn’t raise the prices of the paints once again.


New GW Paints 5

The Mortal Realms and 41st Millennium boast countless creatures with a touch of the dark, as well as warriors clad in weathered armour and solemn robes. Plus, every miniature needs to stand on something – like a solid, dependable hero rock. 

New GW Shades

New GW Paints 6


These Shade paints are designed to provide instant depth and easily create stronger shadows, speeding up the process of creating great-looking models. While Contrast paints are designed to tint surfaces and give an intense finish, this new formulation ensures that Shade paints will settle more effectively into the recesses of your miniatures – while leaving the raised parts of your models relatively untouched.  

They have seven new colors but it also looks like all the shades will be redone, so again, let’s hope this doesn’t raise prices for the new formula.

New Spray Paint

New GW Paints 7

White Scar is designed specifically for use with Contrast paints, to sit alongside the cool Grey Seer and the warmer Wraithbone sprays. There’s nothing stopping you from using it with our regular Citadel range, however. It’s great for creating punchier colours from a brighter undercoat – you can even try using our reformulated Shades on it for bold new results.

The new spray is cool but honestly not the craziest thing out there. Still, if you use contrast paints, this could be a good addition to the line.

Either way, something new is coming in July for Citadel color paints, the question is will retailers, and hobbyists even be able to afford to adopt whatever it is that Games Workshop is selling now?

Which hobby supplies and paints do you prefer for your miniatures? Would you like to see Games Workshop paints in new citadel color dropper bottles?