Signum Games New Battle Rats Make Great Skaven

battle rats featureIf you want some awesome Skaven alternatives, the Battle Rats from Signum Games might just be perfect for you- check it out!

If you like awesomely designed minis, then you really need to check this out. This is another addition to their game and if you haven’t played Battle for Valor yet, it’s a super fun skirmish-style based game. This adds a whole new fold to the game, so it’s the perfect time to get into it if you haven’t played. Or, if you have been playing, who doesn’t want new minis? 

However, even if you don’t play the game, these would make for some of the coolest alternatives we’ve seen for Skaven. So if you want to change up the look and feel of your army, then these might just be it. Let’s check the models out!

Robber Rats: €20.00 (Sale Price)

battle ratsFor the price, the army set is a really great value! Plus, these are just such cool minis, and you could build a really cool D&D or other RPG game around the idea and where you could take it. If you love Signum Games, check out what else they have been up to

battle rats 2Here are the specs on this one:

Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
Round plastic bases are included.

Set includes:

  • Pazzy, the Port Robber
  • Walry, the Ripper
  • Charry, the Natural-Born Bandit

Inspiration of Battle: €20.00 (Sale Price)

battle rats 3


battle rats 4

Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
Round plastic bases are included.

Set includes:

  • Katsu, the East Wind
  • Yoshinori, the West Wind
  • Patius, Priest of the Great Rat

Battle Rats: €39.99

Signum Games


Signum Games 2

Material: photopolymer resin.
Scale: 32mm.
Properties: unpainted, unassembled.
Round plastic bases are included.

Set includes:

  • Shan and Fan, the Marauders
  • Ratus the Great, Rat Chief
  • Sural, the Flamethrower Rat

Get Your Battle Rats From Signum Games Here!