How to Play AoS Tzeentch: Guild of Summoners & Hosts Arcanum

disciples-of-tzeentch-battletomeHere is how to play Disciples of Tzeentch in AoS, focusing on building the Guild of Summoners and Hosts Arcanum 2,000 points armies!

We are back sorry for the delay, real life happened, and it cut into a lot of the free time I normally have. So, now let’s review what you get as an army-wide ability, then build into the next two sub-factions, the Guild of Summoners and Hosts Arcanum.

To see the Cult of Transient Form and Eternal Conflagration lists from the last article, click below!

Battletome Disciples of Tzeentch

Battletome: Disciples of Tzeentch Retail Price: $55

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games |Frontline Gaming |

Let’s start our sub-faction breakdown by first looking at the overall army abilities.

Tzeentch Army-Wide Rules:

tzeentchArmy-Wide Abilities:

  • Arcane Armies: In the first battleground, after setting up but before the first player takes their turn, the Disciples of Tzeentch player cast a single Disciples of Tzeentch Endless spell that cannot be unbound and dispelled the first turn.
  • Change Covens: You can pick one of the following sub-factions: Cult of the Transient Form, Eternal Conflagration, Guild of Summoners, Host Arcanum, Host Duplicitous, or the Pyrofane Cult.
  • Legions of Chaos: Two in every four units can be from Slaves to Darkness, and one in every four can be from Beasts of Chaos
  • Locus of Change: Subtract one from hit rolls for attacks made with melee weapons that target friendly Disciple of Tzeentch daemon units if the friendly unit is wholly within 12” of a friendly hero.
  • Masters of Destiny: At the end of deployment roll nine dice and put them to one side. You can use these dice instead of rolling dice for one of the following rolls: Casting, Unbinding, Dispelling, Run, Charge, Hit, Wound, Save, Damage, and Battleshock.
  • Summoning Table: Receive a fate point every time a spell is cast, and you can use them to summon anything from a Screamer of Tzeentch (3 points) to a Lord of Change (30 points)
  • Spawn: If a model is transformed into a spawn it is turned into a Tzeentch Chaos Spawn
  • Unique spells, artifacts, and command abilities

How to Play AoS Disciples of Tzeentch: Guild of Summoners 2000 Points

tzeentch-wal r (2)Guild of Summoners: You can only summon Lord of Change while using this sub-faction, but the first one you summon only costs 9 fate points and then only 18 points each time thereafter for the rest of the battle.

  • Kairos Fateweaver: 435 Points, Leader 1 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 4
  • Curseling: 180 Points, Leader 2 of 6
  • Fluxmaster: 170 Points, Leader 3 of 6
  • The Blue Scribes: 160 Points, Leader 4 of 6
  • Magistrate on Disc of Tzeentch: 145 Points, Leader 5 of 6
  • 20 Kairic Acolytes: 240 Points, Battleline 1 of 3 Reinforced 1 of 3
  • 20 Tzaangors: 350 Points, Battleline 2 of 3, Reinforced 2 of 3
  • 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: 250 Points, Battleline 3 of 3
  • Burning Sigil of Tzeentch: 50 Points, Endless Spell
  • Total 1980 Points

We are going to put the Tzaangors and Pink Horrors into expert conquerors and everything else into the warlord battalion and grab an extra artifact. The Curseling is going to take the spell Infusion Arcanum, the Fluxmaster is going to take Unchecked Mutation, the Magistrate will take Arcane Suggestion then, Kairos Fateweaver knows all spells from his lore, and the blue scribes know all the spells from both lore groups.

The Magistrate on Disc will get the Cult Demagogue command trait allowing him to get bonus fate points and an extra spell. To boost that even more, we will give him an arcane tome allowing him to potentially generate six fate points by himself if you get lucky with some double.

Then we will give the Fluxmaster the Nine-Eyed Tome giving him a better chance to cast his spell, which can also shower you with Fate points for summoning.

This army is all about one thing casting magic and bringing in the big chickens to then cast more magic. You should have no problem summoning in one turn 1, and then potentially another turn 2. If you are lucky and your opponent is a magic happy army as well, you’re looking at potentially one every turn.

This is an insane number of free points that you’re getting every turn that can vastly swing the game in your favor. Your pink horrors will be the punching bag of the army, able to soak up damage, while your Tzaangors will be a nice blender, and the Acolytes add some ranged damage along with another spell cast. Your main damage, though, will come in the magic phase, which you will need to control, and against most armies, you should be able to.

Use the fate dice if you must, but you should get out enough magic to summon a Lord of Change, turn one and then start the cycle all over again. Protect those spell casters, though, because if they drop in round one, you’re sunk.

Hosts Arcanum 2000 Point List

Tzeentch ScreamersDisciples of Tzeentch Hosts Arcanum: You get an automatic free unbind during turns 1, 3, and 5. Also, Screamers become battleline.

  • Fatemaster: 145 Points, Leader 1 of 6
  • Kairos Fateweaver: 435 Points, Leader 2 of 6, Behemoth 1 of 3
  • Magister on Disc of Tzeentch: 145 Points, Leader 3 of 6
  • Curseling: 180 Points, Leader 4 of 6
  • 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: 250 Points, Battleline 1 of 3
  • 3 Screamers of Tzeentch: 100 Points, Battleline 2 of 3
  • 3 Screamers of Tzeentch: 100 Points, Battleline 3 of 3
  • Mutalith Vortex Beast: 175 Points, Behemoth 2 of 3
  • 3 Tzaangor Skyfires: 190 Points, No Unit Type
  • 3 Tzaangor Skyfires: 190 Points, No Unit Type
  • Burning Sigil of Tzeentch: 50 Points, Endless Spell
  • Total 1960

For this army, I am grouping everyone but the Fatemaster into a Battle Regiment, giving you a two-drop army. You need to dictate the first turn with this group to take advantage of your screamer’s movement and the long-range firepower of your Skyfires.

The Magister on Disc of Tzeentch is going to take Cult Demagogue and the Arcane Tome along with Arcane Suggestion as their unique spell. This will give you a shot at six Fate points a turn, with this guy allowing you to summon in meat shields when needed. The Curseling will take Infusion Arcanum, and Kairos knows all the spells from his respected lore.

This is an interesting Warband in that the screamers are your cheapest battleline unit with an incredibly far movement. The problem is they are only nine wounds with a 5+ save that don’t quite hit as hard as they used to. However, their mobility is crazy, so you can easily take the mid-range objectives on turn one, and if they survive into turn two could potentially threaten the back objectives your opponent is controlling.

The auto unbind is key for disrupting your opponent’s plans, and it doesn’t matter who is casting that all-important spell you can get rid of it for free no matter what the roll is. Just be sure to use it on that spell that they must get off.

The Pink Horrors and Vortex Beast are good bodies to soak up damage and hold down objectives, while your Fatemaster is going to hang around your Skyfires to allow them to snipe your opponent’s heroes off the table.

Overall, a very mobile and interesting sub-faction, but I am not sure it maintains the power output to really take command of a battlefield.

So there are two more sub-factions with my take on them, I like the Guild a bit more than the Host Arcanum, but the time and money investment in those Lords of Change might be a bit too high.

Check out the other articles in our Age of Sigmar How To Play Disciples of Tzeentch series below:

More AoS How-To For Beginners & Veteran Players!

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