How to Speed Paint Stormcast Eternals: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Speed paint Stormcast EternalsLearn how to speed paint Stormcast Eternals easily with this tutorial from Peachy and the Painting Phase!

If you’re looking for an easy way to paint your new Stormcast but don’t want to spend too much time on them, this tutorial will help you tackle the steps without much hassle!

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How to Speed Paint Stormcast Eternals: Peachy Painting Tutorial

Speed paint Stormcast Eternals 2In this video, he will show us how to paint two different styles, one gold and one silver! All you need to start is to spray one with Leadbelcher and one with Retirbutor Armour (or you can use whatever sprays or basecoat you have). One thing to note here, once we get past the armor phase, all the steps will be the same for both of the models.

Step 1:

Speed paint Stormcast Eternals 3For the silver model, he picks out all the gold and highlights with AK Interactive Bronze. For the gold model, he paints the details with Iron Hands Steel. He highlights the gold and silver models with Gryph-Charger Grey to add some age to the armor.

Step 2:

Speed paint Stormcast Eternals 4Now, he highlights the gold and silver with Stormhost Silver over basically the whole model. Now, it’s onto some base coats. He starts on the cloak with Macragge Blue and then Barak-Nar Burgundy for the weapon staff.

These are just base coats, but be sure to get good coverage to cover the metallics underneath. For the straps, he uses Black Legion and Bloodreaver Flesh for the skin. However, you can do whatever color you want for the skin. Lastly, in this step, he goes back to the Gryph-Charger Grey and puts it on the cloak anywhere you need more definition.

Step 3:

Speed paint Stormcast Eternals 5To start this step off, he puts Frostheart on the hammer or blade. He then picks out all the gems with Baal Red. For the base, he does a layer of Mechanicus Standard Grey followed by a layer of Agrellan Earth on all the textured areas of the base to finish it off, he does a quick wash of Guilliman Flesh and finally paints the rim of the base with Steel Legion Drab.

From here, you have models you can play with! But we’ll actually take it a step further.

Step 4:

Speed paint Stormcast Eternals 6To bring some shine back to the metallics, he initially thins down the paint he used for the armor and just did some thin coats to bring a pop back in. Then, he uses Iron Hands Steel to highlight the hammer.

For all the cloaks, he does a quick edge highlight with Macragge Blue then for extra definition; he does a layer of Calgar Blue. To tidy up the skin, he returns to his base tone and highlights and then puts Black Legion in the eyes and mouth. To finish this up (and this is totally optional), he’s going to use Typhus Corrosion and hit the bottom of the cloak and boots with it to make it look dirty.

Just be sure to take a smaller brush and feather it up the cloak a little.

Finished Models:

Speed paint Stormcast Eternals 7There you have it, a super fast way to get great-looking minis on the tabletop in under 25 minutes! Be sure to check out the full video below for all the tips, or you can check out the links below for more content! 

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