GW Breaks Their Neck Putting Primaris Back into 10th Edition 40k

Primaris wal hor space marines power armor

After weeks of removing the word Primaris from their previews, GW went out of its way to put them back into Warhammer 40k 10th Edition.

Nearly six years have passed since GW started a massive rebranding back in 8th Edition for Space Marines, and now it seems like they might be coming full circle with 10th. As Space Marines are the biggest-selling models of all time for GW, they must also keep them fresh, and for a few weeks, GW never once mentioned the word Primaris (actually, they mentioned it once about size, saying something was NOT Primaris).

However, in the past four rules articles, they mention Primaris a whole bunch of times, and maybe they aren’t actually rebranding once again. Either way, they don’t seem to want Primaris to die after a brief but noticeable absence.

Here are the quick links to the latest for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles below!

GW Breaks Their Necks Putting Primaris Back in Warhammer 40k 10th Edition

10th-Edition-40k-warhammer-rumorsLet’s start with the absence of the word until the last few articles. If you look through all the 10th edition preview articles starting with Adepticon, strangely, they never actually mention the word Primaris once (actually, they said in reference to the Terminators’ size that they are “not Primaris” but that’s it.)

They didn’t even mention it for their Intercessor Datasheet preview or the badass new lieutenant model! They even went out of their way not to say Primaris ever on the datasheets. However, after about a month, they brought it back.

Is it a lack of direction, miscommunication, or just pure speculation by the community? Either way,  you can’t expect to omit something for so long and for it to go unnoticed, and its interesting to see them bring it back so strongly. 

How Characters Work in 10th EditionFrom GW

Take this Primaris Lieutenant. The first thing to notice is the Leader ability, which unlocks the ability to join a squad. This is done before deployment, at the same time as transports are allocated and units are placed in Reserve – the Leader becomes a permanent member of that unit for the whole battle.

In this article, they put it in the picture (unlike they did with the previous articles), said it in the wording, and a few other places. So, this seems strange after a long absence; they bring it back basically everywhere.

Maybe they just forgot to put it in, or maybe they were changing their publishing team; we really don’t know at this point.

Commander Dante Rules 3

All eyes may be on the Dark Angels as they track down Vashtorr for a final confrontation, but another legendary hero of the Imperium descends this week – Commander Dante, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels. He’s the Lord Regent of Imperium Nihilus, the saviour of Baal, and possibly the oldest Space Marine alive,* and now he’s got a fresh new Primaris bod to keep his axe arm swinging.

Then, they even mention it again for Dante and him crossing the Primaris Rubicon. As we said, it’s just odd to leave out something like Primaris for anything pertaining to 10th Edition, then just bring it back in nearly every article.

Who knows, maybe this is setting up for a more significant shift and rebranding in Marines, or maybe the community and content creators like us just read into it too far.

Get In Losers We Have Purging To Do

When the transport rules were previewed, Games Workshop bent over backward to point out that Primaris can ride in Drop Pods again too.

drop pod 10th Edition

Not only that but they said:

Minus a couple of exceptions,* Space Marine transports no longer care whether a Primaris unit is riding in the back or not.

* The Rhino, Razorback, and Impulsor are still specialised for certain squad types, and many larger models like Terminators and Gravis-armoured Space Marines still have their own restrictions.

Then in a tweet, they dropped this image of Primaris Space Marines running out of a Landraider as well

landraider primaris 10th Edition

Looks like the Techmarines have finally put new seats in the Land Raider! Which variant will you be filling with Primaris Space Marines?

So overall, it looks like Marines are heading towards just being all “Space Marines,” but primaris are still a designation that matters, and perhaps more importantly for hobbyists, both firstborn and their vehicles are still relevant!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about them leaving Primaris out and then bringing it back in full force? 

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