Wild New 10th Edition 40k Stratagems & Reserves Rules Explained

new-10th-rules-edition-warhammer-40kYour guide to all the wild new stratagems and reserves rules for Warhammer 40k 10th Edition t from the core rulebook explained!

Updated December 5th, 2024, by Rob Baer with the latest new rules information and links to relevant content.

The latest edition of Warhammer 40k rules dropped in June 2023 with Leviathan, and guess what? The core rules are now available for free download! It’s always a win when you can snag the core rules without spending a dime.

Just remember, while you can grab the rules for free, you’ll still need to fork over some cash for those shiny index cards and codex books unless you use something like Wahapedia, etc. 

Core Rules: Stratagems

Stratagems 10th Edition overview pageThere are four types of stratagems in 10th Edition, and depending on the type, they can be used at different times. 

  • Battle Tactic
  • Epic Deed
  • Strategic Ploy
  • Wargear

The Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Core Stratagems are like the secret sauce for all armies in Warhammer 40k 10th edition, and all twelve are listed on p41-42 of the core rules! 

  • Command Re-roll (1CP)
    When the dice gods betray you, this stratagem is your mulligan. Whether it’s a failed hit, a botched wound, or a sad charge roll, pay the price and try your luck again. Perfect for those “I can’t believe I rolled a one!” moments.
  • Counter-offensive (2CP)
    Got a unit itching to fight back after your opponent’s latest slap? Drop this stratagem and cut the line—your unit skips the queue and takes their turn next. It’s like yelling “I go now!” in the middle of a brawl.
  • Epic Challenge (1CP)
    Turn one of your characters into a dueling master for a phase. With the Precision weapon ability, they can single out enemy leaders hiding in the crowd. Who needs honor when you’ve got precision targeting?
  • Insane Bravery (1CP)
    When one of your units starts to lose its cool during a Battle-shock test, spend a CP and pretend it didn’t happen. Panic? What panic? Your unit’s totally fine, thanks.
  • Grenade (1CP)
    Got a unit within 8 inches that needs a quick explosive reality check? Grab six dice and lob a barrage of grenades their way. Each six you roll means a mortal wound. Grenades: the gift that keeps on giving.
  • Tank Shock (1CP)
    Turn your Vehicle into a wrecking ball during the Charge phase. After it slams into an enemy unit, roll a handful of dice and let its strength do the talking. For every 5+, the enemy takes a mortal wound—up to six. It’s like running over your problems, 40k style.
  • Fire Overwatch (1CP)
    Your enemy moves, you shoot—it’s that simple. For one CP, a unit within 24 inches gets to fire off some potshots during the opponent’s turn. Hits land on sixes, but hey, it’s better than watching them prance around unscathed.
  • Go to Ground (1CP)
    When your Infantry’s about to get lit up, throw this down. Your unit hugs the dirt, gaining the Benefit of Cover and a 6+ invulnerable save. Not glamorous, but it beats being turned into paste.
  • Smokescreen (1CP)
    If you’ve got a unit with the Smoke keyword, pop this stratagem when they’re targeted. They gain Cover and Stealth, making them harder to hit. It’s like dropping a ninja smoke bomb, but with less vanishing and more shooting.
  • Heroic Intervention (2CP)
    Your opponent charges, and you get to charge right back. Pick a nearby unit and let them crash the party. Just don’t expect any “Fights First” perks—this is a reactive slugfest, not a graceful duel.
  • New Orders (1CP)
    Not loving your current Secondary Mission? Swap it out at the end of your Command phase for a new one. It’s a strategic “do-over” card, perfect for when Plan A isn’t working. Once per battle, so use it wisely!

Stratagem Layout:

The details for the new 10th Edition 40k stratagems rules are mostly the same, but the layout them in the book is entirely new, making it more straightforward than ever! Of the first three, Command Re-roll makes an iconic return, as the #1 stratagem that we all probably use every game.

10th Edition Warhammer 40k Stratagems Rules page 1

Grenades are making a comeback in the tenth edition as a clever tactical play, now costing a modest 1 CP to pull off. It’s a shake-up that could bring some much-needed love to grenade-happy factions—fingers crossed for some solid updates to keep those factions in the game.

10th Edition 40k Stratagems Rules page 2Heroic Intervention is back, too, strutting in at a spicy 2 CP. Ouch, that’s a hefty price tag, but hey, it’s still a fan favorite for a reason!

We also got a sneak peek at a bunch of upcoming stratagems, including one tied to Tactical Missions. But here’s the twist: Games Workshop promised 12 core stratagems in their previews, yet the rulebook only shows 11. Hmm, maybe that mysterious blank space on page one is hiding the tactical missions strat? Time will tell.

10th Edition 40k Missions 3

Speaking of Tactical Missions, they’re now a game of patience. Secondary Missions get tossed as soon as you complete them, but replacements don’t come until your next Command phase. No more racking up 40 VP in a single crazy turn!

Sure, there are ways to ditch dud cards, but they’re limited and costly. Pro tip: don’t toss a card unless it’s absolutely unachievable. You can download all the rules for free here.

How Many Stratagems Will Each Faction & Detachment Have? 

Faction 10th Edition Rules 3Detachment Stratagems cap at six, and with a streamlined menu of 11 Core Stratagems for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, it’s much easier to keep track of everything. For example, Space Marines’ Gladius Task Force gets a refined version of Armour of Contempt—just 1 CP to shield a single unit. It’s not as game-breaking as before, but it’s still clutch when used right. Even in the codexes, they are trying to cap each group at six; that way, the creep doesn’t get too out of hand. 

Overall, stratagems are leaner, meaner, and easier to digest. Even classics like Deep Strike are getting a twist—this time, you can plop a token on the battlefield and teleport your Terminators straight there. Handy, right?

Combat Patrol Stratagems

10th Edition 40k Combat Patrol Rules 4

Combat Patrols are simplifying things, packing just three unique stratagems per faction, including one that’s reactive. This makes learning the ropes way easier and keeps the game flowing.

For instance, the Vardenghast Swarm can use Teeming Broods to replenish their squishy Termagants—either bringing models back from the dead or stashing an entire unit in Strategic Reserves. Translation: blasting them to bits may not be as effective as you’d hope.

10th Edition 40k Combat Patrol Rules 5

And don’t sweat if your Combat Patrol lacks heavy hitters. Stratagems like Veteran Instincts let your Terminators swing with re-rolls on Wound rolls when facing down behemoths. So even if your box is light on big guns, you’ve still got a way to bring down those towering monsters and vehicles.

10th Edition Reserves Rules

Strategic Reserves

Strategic reserves are limited again, just like they were in previous editions. This is mostly language to make it as clear as possible, like including the points of models in transports that are in reserves.

As the game size increases, so do the reserve limits in increments of 250. The rule of thumb is that no more than 25% of the list can be in reserves!

Reserves can arrive during the reinforcements step of YOUR movement phase, starting from the second round onwards. Anything that doesn’t make it to the battlefield by the end of the game, is counted as destroyed. You can still deploy reserves, shoot with them, and charge.

If they come in on the second round, it has to be within 6″ of the edge of the board and not in the enemy deployment zone; on and after the third round, it can be in the enemy deployment, and of course, they can never be within 9″ of enemy models.

In conclusion, 10th Edition of Warhammer 40k is shaking things up with a streamlined approach to stratagems and reserves rules that even a Necron would find hard to resist. With the return of fan favorites like grenades and Heroic Interventions, along with a simplified layout that’s easier to decipher than a Space Marine’s bedtime story, this edition is bringing the hype!

Click the links below for the latest on 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rules updates and more.

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What do you think about the new Warhammer 40k 10th Edition core rules and Stratagems?