10th Edition 40k: Balance Dataslate Rules Updates, Changes Guide

Balance Datasheet dalatslate warhammer 40k title wal hor 1200Your guide to the Warhammer 40k 10th Edition Balance Dataslate updates and points changes from January and June’s Munitorum Field Manual.

The 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Balance Dataslate and points changes in the Munitorum Field Manual have brought significant changes to the game. From major core rule adjustments to faction balance updates, this article will guide you through all the latest updates and their impact on gameplay and the meta.

40k Balance Dataslate & Update Summary

40k rules balance dataslate

The armies at the top of the meta are getting some severe NERFS, while the underperforming armies are getting some love. If you’ve been underwhelmed with your army lately, these changes might be what you were waiting for.

  • The third Balance Dataslate for Warhammer 40k was released on June 20th, 2024 (the previous was released in January), bringing significant updates to the game.
  • The updated 40k movement rules for the Tacoma US Open tournament are now official for all games!
  • The latest updates included changes to points, faction rules, core rules commentary, and more, affecting nearly all the factions in the game.
  • Maybe just as important as the points, GW said they will now only be doing 40k Balance Dataslate updates every other quarter (originally, they said every quarter), and points change every quarter, with January and June being the two main for 2024.
  • Armies at the top of the meta received significant NERFs, while underperforming armies were buffed.
  • Major core rule changes include adjustments to Indirect Fire Weapons, Overwatch for Titanic Units, and Movement Pivot Values.
  • The Tank Shock Stratagem has been nerfed, and the usage of Insane Bravery has been limited to once per battle.
  • Devastating Wounds no longer spill over to more than one model.
  • Significant movement changes simplify the rules, making gameplay smoother and more intuitive.
  • Adeptus Mechanicus, Custodes, and Daemons get huge buffs, whereas Orks, Necrons, and Thousand Sons get NERFS

Warhammer 40,000 June 2024 Q3 Balance Dataslate Guide

9th warhammer 40k banner logoThis is your complete guide to all the latest updates in the Warhammer 40,000 Balance Dataslate that are transforming the battlefield this June. These new rule adjustments aim to maintain excitement and balance in games of 40k headed into the fall of 2024.

Here’s a link to each section of the updates so you can jump to what interests you the most!

What is the 40k Balance Dataslate?

Balance Dataslate 15 40k points changesThe January and June 40k Balance Dataslate is like the universe’s way of keeping things fair. Think of it as the referee ensuring no single faction gets too powerful while others struggle to keep up. Every few months, the Warhammer Studio reviews tons of data from battles fought across kitchen tables and tournament halls alike.

They then tweak points, adjust rules, and sometimes overhaul entire strategies to keep the game dynamic and engaging.

This month’s update is packed with changes that are bound to shake things up. We’ve got core rules modifications, movement overhauls, and targeted balance updates for various factions. It’s all about keeping the game fresh and fair, making sure every player has a fighting chance.

From new movement rules to faction tweaks, there’s plenty to see.

Updated Balance Dataslate Movement Rules Changes: August 2024

Because of some unusual geometry, Games Workshop is now making additional changes to the June 40k Dataslate updates to prevent situations where some models could get “free” movement by pivoting.

Overview of New Rule Changes

Tacoma Open changes warhammer 40k faq balance dataslate 40k points changes

The Warhammer 40k used at the recent Tacoma Open will be in effect for everyone on August 1st, 2024. You’ll want to familiarize yourself with these updates, as all vehicle models on round bases wider than 32mm with a flying stem or hover stand now have a pivot value of two inches. This means every time these models pivot, they lose two inches of movement (this needed to be implemented as people were abusing the June 2024 40k Dataslate). It’s a small tweak, but one that could have a big impact on your strategy.

Official first at the Tacoma Open

Tacoma Open changes warhammer 40k faq balance dataslate 40k points changes

These rules, formulated with the Warhammer 40k rules studio, are official for the Tacoma Open, and now the changes are part of a general FAQ or errata for the broader Warhammer 40k universe.

new flying vehicle skimmer rules 40k points changes

pivot values warhammer 40k 1 pivot values warhammer 40k

There is also a small update to the designer’s commentary, along with highlighted areas of the previous version changes, to help keep things tidy for everyone. So be sure to take a closer look at the updated document available here.

rules update 1.2 warhammer 40k 10th Edition 40k points changes

One Example of the Issue

This update was totally necessary, and here’s the perfect example of why: a hilarious meme about a Necron Monolith deep strike that’s making the rounds in TTS.

monolith deep strike

Impact of The New Flying Model Rules Changes

The new Warhammer 40k rule changes, which took effect on August 1st, 2024, promise to make the game more streamlined and strategic. With simplified movement rules and the introduction of pivot values, navigating the battlefield becomes more predictable and fair.

These changes, first official for the Tacoma Open, now set a precedent for future tournaments and casual games alike. With a little luck, this should lead to a more fluid and enjoyable Warhammer 40k experience as these changes take hold.

Major Core Rules Changes in Warhammer 40,000

The June 2024 Balance Dataslate (not so much the January one) brings some game-changing updates to the core rules of Warhammer 40k. These changes are designed to refine gameplay, making it more strategic and balanced. Let’s break down the most significant modifications.

Indirect Fire Weapons

Balance Dataslate 2First up, Indirect Fire Weapons always miss on a 1-3. Previously, indirect fire could be a bit too reliable, allowing artillery units to dominate from the safety of the backline.

Now, these weapons always miss on a roll of one, two, or three. This flat 50/50 chance adds a new layer of unpredictability and strategy, making indirect fire a bit more of a gamble.

No More Overwatch For Titanic Units

Imperial Knights Warhammer

Next, Titanic Units and Overwatch Restrictions. Titanic units can no longer fire Overwatch, and they don’t have line of sight through ruins unless they are partially within them. This change levels the playing field, preventing these massive units from dominating every engagement with ease.

It forces players to think more strategically about positioning and movement.

Movement Pivots

Balance Dataslate 3New Movement Pivot Values are another big update. Units now have a “pivot value” that affects their movement. This is zero for most units, but it is two inches for monsters and vehicles. This means every pivot costs these larger units two inches of movement.

This simplification makes movement rules clearer and prevents players from gaining unintended advantages through tricky maneuvers.

Tank Shock Stratagem

Balance Dataslate 6The Tank Shock Stratagem Nerf is a welcome change. Previously, this stratagem allowed high-strength melee units to inflict devastating mortal wounds easily. Now, the number of dice rolled is based on the unit’s toughness, not the weapon’s strength, and there are no bonus dice for higher strength. This balances the stratagem, making it less overpowered.

Insane Bravery

Balance Dataslate 7Insane Bravery usage limitation is another important update. This stratagem can now only be used once per battle and must be used before a unit takes a battle-shock test. This prevents players from relying too heavily on this stratagem to save their units in critical moments, adding more depth and strategy to gameplay.

Devastating Wounds

Balance Dataslate 8Finally, there’s a subtle but significant change to Devastating Wounds. Mortal wounds caused by these abilities can no longer spill over to more than one model. This prevents devastating abilities from wiping out entire squads with a single lucky roll, ensuring that each model’s survivability is more consistent.

Simplified Movement Rules Are a Game-Changer

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Previously, moving models could be a bit of a headache, especially with larger units or those with overhanging parts. Now, movement is all about straight lines and pivots. No more tricky measurements or arguments about whether a model fits through a gap-  if the base fits, it moves through.

Movement is the heart of strategy in Warhammer 40,000, and the latest Balance Dataslate brings some major changes to how units move on the battlefield. These updates simplify the rules, making gameplay smoother and more intuitive. Let’s break down the key changes.

New Pivot Value System

Balance Dataslate 10Units now have a pivot value that determines how much movement is required to turn. For most models, this value is zero, meaning they can pivot freely. However, for monsters and vehicles (excluding aircraft) that aren’t on round bases, the pivot value is two inches.

This means every pivot during movement costs these units two inches. This new rule simplifies movement calculations and ensures consistency in how units navigate the battlefield.

Impact on Vehicles and Monsters:

New Be'lakor 40k

This change is particularly significant for large models like tanks and monstrous creatures. Previously, navigating tight spaces or turning to face an enemy could lead to complex calculations and disputes. With the pivot value system, movement becomes more predictable and fair.

For example, a tank with a pivot value of two inches will have to plan its turns carefully to avoid losing too much movement, adding a layer of strategy to its maneuvering.

Specific Unit Base Changes

MOnolith invasion

There are some interesting edge cases with the new pivot rules. For example, round-based vehicles can pivot without losing any movement, which can lead to some unintended advantages. This issue is addressed in the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion, which modifies certain units’ rules to prevent the pivot value’s exploitation.

This ensures a level playing field and minimizes potential for rule-bending. For example, some round-based vehicles like the Necron Monolith or Drukhari Raiders could previously gain unintended movement advantages through pivoting. The companion guide adjusts these rules to maintain fairness.

Adjustments for Terrain and Battlefield Edges:

Balance Dataslate 5Another significant change is how models interact with terrain and the edges of the battlefield. Models can no longer overhang the battlefield edge with their base at any point during movement.

However, overhanging parts of the model, like wings or weapons, can extend beyond the battlefield edge, but they cannot be used to draw line of sight. This rule ensures that all movement and positioning are realistic and within the boundaries of the playing area.

Detailed Warhammer 40k Faction Balance Updates

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The latest Balance Dataslate brings a host of changes designed to level the playing field across various factions in Warhammer 40,000. These targeted updates aim to address imbalances, boost underperforming units, and ensure a diverse and competitive meta.

Let’s get into the key faction-specific changes.

Targeted Changes to Orks and Necrons:

Balance Dataslate 13Orks have always been the chaotic and unpredictable force on the battlefield, but recent trends saw them becoming a bit too dominant. The Green Tide Detachment was particularly powerful, combining high durability and maneuverability.

To balance this, the durability of Meganobz has been reduced by adjusting their Feel No Pain ability, making them less overwhelming but still a formidable presence.

Balance Dataslate 14 January June 40kSimilarly, Necrons have received adjustments to their key units and abilities to ensure their power is kept in check while maintaining their thematic resilience.

Boosts for Adeptus Mechanicus:

Balance Dataslate 11 January June 40k


Balance Dataslate 12 January June 40kThe Omnissiah has heard your prayers! Adeptus Mechanicus units have received significant buffs, particularly in their damage output and faction abilities. Sections of the army that previously lacked the Army Rule now have access to it, allowing them to fully participate in the canticles of their brethren.

The Skitarii Battleline units, crucial to the faction’s strategy, have been improved, and certain datasheets have been enhanced to increase their effectiveness. With these buffs, the points for some units have been increased to reflect their enhanced capabilities, ensuring balance.

Dark Angels Adjustments:

Balance Dataslate 16 January June 40kThe Dark Angels have seen improvements to their Inner Circle and Deathwing Knights. These units were previously overlooked due to their high points cost and less favorable rules compared to similar units.

The Balance Dataslate enhances their weapon profiles and adjusts their detachment rules to make them more competitive and appealing choices for Dark Angels players.

Tweaks for Adepta Sororitas and Genestealer Cults:


Adepta Sororitas and Genestealer Cults also benefit from targeted adjustments. Since the codexes have come out, the correct points are going to be in the updated Munitorum Field Manual, not the ones in the codex.

Adeptus Custodes:

Balance Dataslate 22 January June 40kAdeptus Custodes are already in a decent spot, especially benefiting from changes to Devastating Wounds and Mortal Wounds. However, a few extra tweaks were needed to give the Emperor’s Chosen a bit more oomph.

The Martial Mastery abilities in the Shield Host Detachment are fantastic, but limiting them to just one use felt too restrictive, making the Detachment ability relevant for less than half the battle. Now, one of these abilities can be used every turn, adding more flexibility and power.

The Auric Champions Detachment centered around the mighty characters of the Adeptus Custodes, was also a bit too constrained. Initially, the Detachment rule only applied to individual characters, which was limiting.

Expanding the Assemblage of Might Detachment rule to apply to character units instead of just models retains the theme while ensuring it can compete with the power of other Adeptus Custodes Detachments.

Chaos Daemons:

Balance Dataslate 20 January June 40k

January June 40k DataslateBoth the army rule and the Greater Daemons received updates, transforming them into pivotal elements of the army. Now, they not only buff nearby friendly units of the same Chaos God but also enable them to arrive from Deep Strike much closer.

This revamp makes the army significantly less reactive, allowing them to threaten and advance into areas earlier than before, providing players with more strategic choices in how to tackle each mission layout.

Thousand Sons

Balance Dataslate 17 January June 40kThe Thousand Sons have been a powerhouse on the battlefield. Rather than hiking up their points and shrinking their model count even more, the focus shifted to addressing some of the less enjoyable interactions involving their Rituals and abilities.

To spice things up, tweaks were made to specific Rituals like Doombolt, Temporal Surge, and Twist of Fate, making it easier for opponents to counter these mechanics. Previously, the rules for Rituals were a bit vague, allowing a single Psyker to cast all their Rituals in one go.

Now, the update limits Psykers to using just one Ritual per turn, ensuring a more strategic spread of Rituals across the battlefield.


Balance Dataslate 18 January June 40k

Balance Dataslate 19 January June 40kWith one of the first Codexes out of the gate, there’s been plenty of time to see how the Tyranids have fared, and it was clear they needed a bit of a refresh based on the evolving edition. The biggest update is a boost to the Strength of their melee weapons while within Synapse range, helping many of their weapons hit those crucial thresholds they previously struggled with.

Additionally, their heavy hitters like the Exocrine and Tyrannofex received some love to better tackle the current meta.

Tyranid Carnifex Wal Hor 40k points changes

Crusher Stampede gets a significant upgrade, with enhanced mobility options to navigate dense terrain more effectively and an Objective Control boost to dominate objectives. On top of that, several isolated but impactful adjustments to characters have been made to improve their roles.

Neurotyrants now lead Zoanthropes, multiple models, including the Parasite of Mortrex, have gained the Synapse keyword, and the Hive Tyrant’s aura has become even more tyrannical.

Adjustments to Stratagems and Abilities

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Stratagems and abilities are a core part of Warhammer 40,000’s tactical depth, and the latest Balance Dataslate brings several important adjustments to these elements. These changes aim to refine gameplay, making stratagems and abilities more balanced and aligned with their intended narrative.

Here are some of the key updates.

Stratagem Cost Modifications:

Balance Dataslate 23 January June 40kOne of the significant changes involves how the cost of stratagems is modified. Previously, some abilities could reduce the cost of stratagems, sometimes even allowing for free usage of powerful abilities. The new rules standardize these modifications.

Now, unless the stratagem is specifically named by the ability, the cost can only be reduced by 1 CP each time it is used. This prevents players from exploiting cost reductions to spam powerful stratagems and ensures a more balanced use of these tactical tools.

Impact on Battle Tactic Stratagems:

The distinction for Battle Tactic stratagems has been removed, making the cost reduction rules more uniform across all stratagems. This change addresses the arbitrary nature of the previous system and ensures a consistent impact across different factions and detachments.

Players will now find that their units’ abilities work more predictably, promoting fair play and strategic depth.

Repeated Use Restrictions:

Balance Dataslate 24 40k points changes January June 40kAnother significant adjustment is the restriction on repeated use of stratagems. Abilities that allowed the repeated use of stratagems have been curtailed, with only specific stratagems named in the ability being exempt from this rule.

This change prevents certain factions from gaining an undue advantage by repeatedly using powerful stratagems, ensuring a more balanced gameplay experience.

Changes to Grenades and Tank Shock:

Balance Dataslate 26 40k points changes January June 40kThe Grenade stratagem has been reworked to align with its intended narrative. Previously, players could use grenades while falling back or advancing, which didn’t fit the cinematic image of these weapons. The new rules prevent the use of grenades in these situations, making their use more strategic and impactful.

Similarly, the Tank Shock stratagem has been adjusted. The number of dice rolled is now based on the unit’s toughness rather than the strength of its melee weapons. This change brings the stratagem back in line with its intended narrative, ensuring tanks use it to crush enemies under their treads, not just to hit harder in melee.

New Rules for Mortal and Devastating Wounds:

The rules for mortal and devastating wounds have been updated to address some balance issues. Mortal wounds caused by devastating wounds no longer spill over to multiple models, ensuring that these powerful abilities don’t wipe out entire squads with a single lucky roll.

This change makes defensive abilities that protect against mortal wounds more effective, ensuring that specialized protections remain relevant.

Warhammer 40k Points Updates Across Factions

Balance Datasheet munitorum points changes warhammer 40k 40k points changes

One of the most eagerly anticipated aspects of any Balance Dataslate is the updates on points. These adjustments can dramatically alter how armies are built and perform on the battlefield.

New Points Values for Key Units:

Balance Dataslate 27 40k points changes January June 40kThe Balance Dataslate brings a range of points changes across various factions. For instance, several units in the Adeptus Mechanicus and Adepta Sororitas have seen their points increased to reflect their enhanced capabilities and performance on the battlefield.

Similarly, units like the Genestealer Cults’ Acolyte Hybrids and Ork Meganobz have also had their points adjusted to better balance their power.

Rationale Behind Points Adjustments:

points changes 40k points changes

The rationale for these points updates is to promote fairness and balance in the game. Units that were previously undercosted and thus overly popular have seen points increases to curb their prevalence and power. Conversely, units that were less effective or underused have had their points reduced, making them more attractive choices for players.

For example, the points increase for Adeptus Mechanicus units reflects their improved damage output and new faction abilities. These buffs make them more powerful, and the points increase ensures that they remain balanced and fair to use.

Similarly, the points reductions for certain underperforming units help them compete more effectively, adding diversity to army compositions.

Comprehensive FAQs & Clarifications

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The latest Balance Dataslate isn’t just about 40k points and rules changes; it also includes a wealth of FAQs and clarifications. These updates address common questions and ambiguities, ensuring that everyone is playing by the same rules and preventing disputes during games.

Key FAQs Addressed:

Balance Dataslate 28 40k points changes January June 40k

The FAQs in the June and January 40k Balance Dataslate cover a wide range of topics, from core rule interactions to specific unit abilities. For example, there are clarifications on how stratagems interact with various abilities, ensuring that players understand the intended use of these tactical tools.

This helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

Clarifications on Specific Rules:

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One of the most important aspects of the FAQs is the clarification of specific rules that were previously ambiguous or open to interpretation. For instance, the rules for embarking and disembarking from transports have been clarified, ensuring that players know exactly how these actions work and what effects they trigger.

Impact on Gameplay & Meta

Competitive Play Implications:

Balance Dataslate 30 40k points changesIn the cutthroat world of competitive gaming, even the tiniest tweaks can send shockwaves. The rule changes, faction-specific adjustments, and points updates will force players to switch up their strategies and army lineups.

Take, for example, the new restrictions on Overwatch and the game-changing tweaks to Devastating Wounds. Players can’t rely on the old dominant tactics anymore and need to get creative in exploiting their opponents’ vulnerabilities.

These adjustments from the June and January 40k Dataslate are expected to shake up the competitive scene, creating a more diverse and lively meta. With no single faction or strategy calling the shots, tournaments will showcase a wider range of armies and playstyles. This not only ramps up the excitement but also levels the playing field, giving every player a fair shot at the top tables.

Casual Play Considerations:

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For casual players, the 40k Balance Dataslate (both from June and January) brings fresh excitement to their games. The adjustments help ensure that games are fair and enjoyable, preventing any one player from steamrolling their friends with an overpowered army.

The 40k points changes, in particular, make it easier for casual players to build balanced and characterful lists without feeling penalized for their choices. The core rule changes also add new layers of strategy and tactics, making casual games more engaging and rewarding.

Whether you’re playing a quick skirmish on the kitchen table or a sprawling narrative campaign, these updates and points changes will enhance your Warhammer 40k games going forward.

10th Edition Warhammer 40k Points Changes Munitorium Field Manual

Balance Datasheet munitorum points changes warhammer 40k 40k points changes

We’ve all seen the latest datasheets, army rules, codex books, and index cards. Now, with these 40k points changes, you can make new lists, as the balance of the game is in flux once again.  

Here is our breakdown of all the latest 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Munitorum Field Manual points changes that are legal for play right now!

Impact of The January and June 2024 40k Balance Dataslates

40k rules balance dataslate 40k points changes

In conclusion, the latest June and January 40k Balance Dataslate and Munitorum Field Manual points change for 2024 have significantly changed Warhammer 40k. With updates to points, faction rules, and core rules commentary, nearly all the factions in the game have been affected.

While some armies at the top of the meta have received significant NERFs, underperforming armies have also been buffed. With these changes in place, the game has been revamped again, and players must adapt their strategies accordingly.

The 40k January and June Balance Dataslate guarantees to keep things exciting, balanced, and enjoyable, and your involvement is key to its success. You can download all the changes here.

What do you think about all the latest rules and points changes in the Warhammer 40k June and January Balance Dataslate?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!