Top 50 Best Alternatives to Games Workshop Miniatures in 2024

two-tone-alternatives-games-workshop-miniatures-topHere is our updated list of the best alternatives to Games Workshop Warhammer 40k miniatures from independent third-party company releases!

Tabletop wargaming has become a popular hobby, and Games Workshop’s Warhammer 40k miniatures have been at the forefront of this trend for many years. However, with increased competition, independent third-party companies have released unique and innovative alternatives to GW’s designs.

Top 50 Best Alternatives to Games Workshop Miniatures in 2024

ooh rahs

These companies offer a massive selection of options for gamers looking to spice up their collections, from bits and upgrade kits to full-blown miniatures and terrain. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best independent company miniatures as alternatives to Games Workshop miniatures and the tabletop hobby in general. 

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews x-men MCP

With the growing hobby world, some talented artists have brought their big guns to the table with these alternate bits and kits.  Here is our latest list of the best third-party alternatives to Games Workshop designs for Warhammer 40k, The Old World, and Age of Sigmar miniatures!

If you want to see some of the best alternative games to Warhammer in general, check our recent list of the games we love to play outside of Games Workshop.

Sci-fi Alternative Miniatures To Games Workshop

Let’s take a look at our updated list of some of the best independent company miniatures for alternatives to Games Workshop miniatures and the tabletop hobby in general:

Iron Brother


Imperial Iron Brother by Wargame Exclusive

  • Zealot Miniatures has an awesome selection of fantasy minis and terrain.
  • Anvil Industry  Futuristic sci-fi soldiers and bit collections
  • Deadly Print Studio has some of the best-looking 3D printable accessories for your models.
  • Heresy Lab has unique alternative designs for games like Warhammer 40k, Mordhiem, Necromunda, and more.

spacenamSpaceNam Plastics from Wargames Atlantic

  • Wargames Atlantic Has some of the coolest minis on the market for insanely affordable prices.
  • Modiphius offers some of the coolest games on the market, with many great minis that are usable in many game systems.
  • Armorcast Terraform Terrain They have some amazing laser-cut terrain that will set your tabletop apart.

Primaris Magnum 2Magnum Packs From Liber Daemonica

Space Marine alternatives effectsMuzzle Effects & Smoke Effects by Deadly Print Studio

October PuppetswarPuppets War – Ork Walker (printed or STL)

legio models nunsLegio Models Nuns of Battle Kit

  • Heresy Miniatures Great fantasy minis!
  • Copplestone Castings Soldier minis & more
  • Hf minis Character alternatives!
  • The Assault Group More character alternatives
  • Mantic Games alternate army options. Great centerpiece models
  • Infinity the Game Incredible futuristic sculpts perfect for characters/elites
  • Taro Modelmaker has amazing-quality resin alternate bits for futuristic/sci-fi mechanical walkers like Knights.
  • Fox Box This company is awesome if you’re looking for a bunch of specific bits. If you’re in the market for the things that are harder to find, Fox Box probably has them.
  • Mortian Incredible futuristic tank options fit the bill for all kinds of battlefield roles in your games.
  • Imperial Terrain Imperial Terrain has a huge variety of terrain options matching futuristic battlezones/town buildings as well as overgrown temples/ ancient ruins.

Seraphim Knights bitsKromlech Seraphim Knights Primary Conversion Bits 

Fantasy Alternative Miniatures To Games Workshop

  • Tabletop Art Fantasy Figures
  • Dark Sword Miniatures Fantastic options for D&D/fantasy characters
  • Avatars-of-War has some of the coolest classic styles of sculpts out there!
  • Reaper Mini
  • Spellcrow One pic doesn’t do Spellcrow justice. They’ve got alternate bits for fantasy and futuristic sci-fi games as well as their own line of models.

October Avatars of War 7Classic Orcs by Avatars of War

High Elves 2High Elves by Raging Heroes 

Mjagnir, JötunnMierce Miniatures’ Mjagnir

There are no doubt plenty of awesome miniature companies out there. With so many to choose from, take your time and explore what they offer to ensure you get exactly what you want from the Best Alternatives to Games Workshop designs and Warhammer 40k, The Old World, and Age of Sigmar Miniatures this year!

best-alternatives-to-GW-gamesClick Here For The Best Alternative Tabletop Games to GW

What do you think about these Alternatives to Games Workshop and Warhammer Miniatures? Do you have a “go-to”?

Editor’s Note:  Since we published the first article of this series over six years ago, we have received a lot of messages asking us why “XYZ” company wasn’t on this list, either by hobbyists who had used their products OR by the folks who owned those companies.  To be clear, this is a list of folks I have personally worked with in the past or used their products, so, for the most part, I can say they “don’t suck.” 

That said, feel free to email us (support AT Spikeybits.com) if you think we should look at a particular company or want to get your product into our hands for a promo or review.

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group or our Discord server.  Make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! 


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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!