Deadly Print Studios is back at it again with fantastic FXs and extra bits to convert your Knight Lancer into something truly one-of-a-kind!
If you’re looking for something to make your Knight Lancer stand out, look no further! Like always, Deadly Print Studio has you covered with some stellar FXs and bits to really show off whatever miniature you may be working on!
You can grab these as printed pieces and STLs, meaning you can take advantage of them whether you have a printer or not. These are just a fun way to make your games that much better. If you need some of the bits bigger or a large amount of them, you can also contact them, and they’ll work with you on getting it done.
But enough talking, let’s jump into the bits!
Royal Knight Lancer Shields And FX’s – Physical: 1,15€ – 13,50€
You have to get all the physical files as one-offs. Since there are so many different effects, we won’t cover all of them, but you can pick and choose what you want the most.
This new Knight it’s one of the best, and bigger, model of GW, now in plastic! We can’t resist to create an impresive set of Fx’s. From a simplier shield for the inner part of the metallic model or even a huge fx’s with impacts.
Royal Knight Lancer FX’s Bundle – Digital: 12,00€
You can get one huge bundle if you go with the STL files, so you can just get everything you need in one buy!
Here are the specs on these:
11 bits/fx’s and pre-supported versions.
3 smoke exhaust, 2 different shields and 3 electric lance fx’s
Whether you’re in the market for the physical bits or the digital STLs, Deadly Print Studios has got you covered with these high-quality Royal Knight Lancer FXs.