The Green Tide Rises Anew in AoS Orruks Vanguard Box

orruk-warclans-vanguard-boxA new Age of Sigmar Orruks Warclans Vanguard Box has been revealed by GW, focusing on the recent Kruleboyz models.

Vanguard Boxes are primarily designed for new players to the latest faction and are marketed as a quick way to get an army on the table to play some small games fast. Regardless of the new Orruk miniatures, this box focuses on the Kruleboyz. But don’t worry, we’re guessing GW will do a big launch box with all the new Orruk stuff, so this is most likely some icing on the top. 

Most times, the starter-style kits are a pretty good value, so if you’re thinking about getting into the army, or just expanding your collection, this should be an excellent way to do it! 

The New AoS Orruks Vanguard Box Announced by GW

The latest on the Orruks Warclans Vanguard box comes from Warhammer Community.

AoS Orruks Vanguard Box

They’re finding great success in snatching the eggs of exotic beasts from deep within the Gnarlwood, and as the Dawnbringer Crusades near their swamps, these kunnin’ killers slink out to inflict their unusual brand of orruk violence on anything stupid enough not to run screaming from their glowering skareshields. They’ve got the help of a brand new box – Vanguard: Orruk Warclans.

    Overall this looks to be a decent box with a wide range of minis and options if you are just starting Orruks and want some of the Kruelboyz miniatures.

    AoS Orruks Vanguard Box 2

    Leading this calloused band of callous greenskins is a Killaboss on a Great Gnashtoof. Ferocious and unusually vindictive even for orruks, Killabosses are the top dogs – and ride them, too. They pester the Beastbreakaz for monstrous mounts as symbols of their status, and Great Gnashtoofs are odious hounds which match their masters’ vile nature.

    The box does have a decent amount of the value tied up in characters, so if you already have these two models, it might not be the highest value.

    AoS Orruks Vanguard Box 3

    A solid rank of Gutrippaz use their skareshields to send shivers up the spines of opponents before setting to with venomous weapons. Behind this prickly phalanx, the Man-skewer Boltboyz break the myth that no orruk can shoot straight, unleashing salvos of poison-tipped bolts.

    You get a decent contingent of ranged attacks with the Beast-skewer Killbow and Boltboyz. 

    • Killaboss on a Great Gnashtoof $60
    • Murknob $32
    • Gutrippaz $60
    • Man-Skewer Boltboyz $55
    • Beast-skewer Killbow $35

    Total MSRP: $242

    Total savings versus the estimated $140 box price: $102

    Is the Orruks Vanguard Box Worth it? 

    AoS Orruks Vanguard Box 3This has a lot of savings for the price of $140 and is on the higher side of all the Vanguard boxes. However, a lot of the value comes in the way of two characters, so if you already have them, this box may have no value. If you want both characters, though, it has a ton of value and should be a great pickup.

    Also, this is coming ahead of the new Orruk Battletome, so we’re assuming GW will give them some buffs. We’re hoping it will be a great way to start a new army.

    What to Buy Next?

    AoS Orruks Vanguard Box 2This one is tough because tons of new Orruk minis are on the way! This box gives you some decent shooting options, but not much for combat. So we would buff up the combat troops and then add another Beast-skewer Killbow to help take down big enemies.

    If you’re going pure Kruleboyz, you’ll need more Gutrippaz, some magic, and maybe finish off your army with some more big monsters!

    Whether you’ve been eagerly awaiting this release or are just hearing about it now, there’s no denying that the Age of Sigmar is about to feel the ground-shaking impact of the Orruks once more. 

    All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

    What do you think about the new AoS Oruuks Vanguard Box? 

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