The new Warhammer 40k Tau empire codex is here– from Stratagems, Datasheets, and army rules; this is our review guide on how to play them.
With new army rules, detachments, enhancements, and a plethora of changes, this codex review guide is your source for everything you need to know about how to play Tau. Featuring a detailed breakdown of each detachment and its strengths, this guide also offers insights into key rules and stratagems.
Find out more from our guide on how to play T’au Empire by jumping to any of the sections below, or dig in from the beginning!
- Tau Empire Army Rules
- Tau Empire Codex Detachment Rules
- New Kroot Unit Datasheets
- New Tau Empire Codex Datasheets & 40k Rules
- Latest 40k Rules Updates For the Tau
- Frequently Asked Questions About Playing T’au Empire In Warhammer 40k
Warhammer 40k T’au Empire Codex Review: Army Guide & Rules
This how-to-play Tau Empire codex review guide covered the various detachments, their unique rules, and the enhancements players can use to further customize their army. Whether you’re a veteran player or just starting, the Tau Empire codex has something for everyone.
The new 10th Edition Tau Empire codex is here, and it’s time to join the Greater Good in its quest to change the galaxy to its image.
Tau Empire Army Rules
With their army rule, you really want units to work in tandem, as you’ll get better BS and can ignore cover! This really lets you unleash full power in your shooting phase! However, if you shoot at something else, you’ll have worse BS, so pick your targets carefully.
Drones have always been a staple in the Tau army, but they are keeping fairly similar to the index rules. You can either use them to add wounds to your units, give you some extra shots, make your unit harder to wound, and even shoot some missiles!
Tau Empire Codex
Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight Games | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.
Inside this 136-page hardback book, you’ll find all the juicy details about the T’au Empire, including their strict caste system, diverse sept worlds, and rapid expansion. There’s also cool artwork showcasing the sleek aesthetic and advanced tech of the T’au Empire.
- Codex: T'au Empire is a vital guide for collecting and playing games with the T'au Empire and its alien allies in Warhammer 40,000.
- You'll find an absolute treasure trove of information to help you muster, paint, and command your armies – including rules for narrative Crusade campaigns, Combat Patrol skirmishes, and matched play games.
- There's also a stunning spread of painted miniatures, evocative artwork, and immersive background material to inspire you for the Greater Good.
- This book also contains a one-use code to unlock Codex: T'au Empire content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.
Last update on 2025-03-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
You’ll geek out over 38 datasheets detailing every T’au Empire unit, from sneaky Stealth Battlesuits to wild Krootox Rampagers. Plus, there are four themed Detachments, Crusade rules, and Combat Patrol rules to fire up your games.
And if that’s not enough, there’s an ‘Eavy Metal showcase featuring gorgeously painted Citadel miniatures. Oh, and don’t forget, this book comes with a one-use code to unlock Codex: T’au Empire content in Warhammer 40,000: The App.
Tau Empire Codex Detachment Rules
Now, let’s get into the new detachments; the four Tau Detachments for 10th Edition 40k are:
The new Tau detachments offer enhanced battlefield flexibility and strategic depth, emphasizing the Tau’s focus on advanced technology and coordinated combat. They allow for specialized configurations with new enhancements and Stratagems that enhance both offensive and defensive capabilities, aligning with the Tau’s doctrine of combined arms warfare.
Retaliation Cadre
This is the one detachment we saw preview rules for, and it’s all about making your battlesuits hit harder! Starflare Ignition System is really strong, especially after you can bring them on from any table edge. Then, you can get some grenade mortal wounds shenanigans going, which is always fun.
The Retaliation Cadre specializes in close-range combat, using their powerful battlesuits to take out enemy units with daring and precision. The Cadre’s Detachment rule encourages a proactive and strategic playstyle, where you can surprise your opponents with bold maneuvers and calculated risks.
If you can get within 6″, you’ll get +1 strength and -1AP of all your weapons!As you would imagine, the stratagems also focus solely on battlesuits. Shortened Blade lets you drop within 3″, meaning you can guarantee the +1 S, -1AP; however, for 2 CP, it’s probably only done once.
Torchstar Gambit is also super annoying for your opponent, as you get to make a normal move after shooting for only 1 CP. If you get within 6″, do this: wipe a unit, and then jump back into cover.
Getting Lethal Hits (and possibly Assault) on your entire army for three turns is super strong. With this, you’ll want to get a lot of shots, and even if they are lower strength, it won’t matter if you can roll those 6s.
Pinpoint Counter-Offensive is pretty awesome for 1 CP. You get to re-roll all hits against that unit for the rest of the battle. There are plenty of cheap stratagems here to increase your power, but even some nice defensive ones.
This one is a little strange, as you get no benefits until the third battle round. However… Sustained Hits: 1 or 2, for your entire army is very strong. It really just depends on whether you think you can make it through the first two rounds without benefits to make the Sustained Hits worthwhile.
Two of these have the same restriction as the detachment rule but, again, are very strong. We’ll have to see how the combos work out, but they do have some powerful stratagems. Photon Grenades should help you stop the enemy from getting charges off and hopefully keep you alive until the power of this detachment kicks in.
New Tau 10th Edition 40k Codex Rules For Kroot Hunting Pack
Well… if you go all Kroot, they get very similar rules to the Sisters! Depending on how damaged they are, they will get +1 to hit and +1 to wound. They also have pretty bad armor saves, so a 5+ against shooting is quite nice. Nomadic Hunter pushes their movement to 10″, which should let you get into combat quickly.
Finally, Borthrod Gland lets you score criticals on a 5+, which should let you get off plenty of sustained hits.
If you have a huge unit of 20 Carnivores for two CP, you can revive them, but without characters. A trap well-laid will probably see a lot of play since their AP isn’t great, and if you can get a single hit in the shooting phase, you can get huge AP buffs for only 1 CP.
Tau 40k Combat Patrol
Quick Order Links:
Click on these links to order yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight Games | eBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.
The Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol boxes are a great choice for new players who are interested in exploring a particular faction. They offer a quick and easy way to assemble a small army and jump straight into playing games
- Fight for the Greater Good with Combat Patrol: T'au Empire!
- This boxed set is loaded with a balanced force of versatile units, offering enough mobility and firepower to sweep the battlefield clear.
- This box also allows you to save money compared to buying each kit individually, making it an excellent way to start your army or expand an existing collection.
- These miniatures can also be used as a complete T'au Empire force for Combat Patrol games of Warhammer 40,000
Last update on 2025-03-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
These sets are similar to the Start Collecting Sets, which were introduced by GW in 2016. They are designed to help players get a feel for the faction and start building their skills right away.
If you missed the Kroot Hunting Pack Box Set, the Tau Combat Patrol box is a great way to start collecting them for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k.
New Kroot Unit Datasheets
Hobbyists had also seen some of the new Kroot rules, but now there looks to be nine datasheets for them in the 10th Edition Tau Empire Codex.
- Kroot Farstalkers
- Kroot Hounds
- Krootox Rampagers
- Krootox Riders
- Kroot Carnivores
- Kroot Lones-Spear
- Kroot Flesh Shaper
- Kroot War Shaper
- Kroot Trail Shaper
They are decently tough, good in combat, and can scout. Their Repeater Cannon should be in Rapid Fire range a lot with a 36″ range and basically has the damage output of an autocannon. However, the strength really comes in with Kroot Packmates because you get a free shooting attack in the opponent’s turn!
The new melee version of the riders is quite strong. With seven (plus some sustained) attacks in melee, Lance, and Impact hits! If you have a unit of just three, you should get off a few mortals before the combat even starts and force a battle-shock test.
The Loping Pounce ability grants an extra burst of speed by allowing charges after they Advance. At their absolute limit, a pack of these hounds can rocket forwards up to 30” in a single turn – a turn of speed some Aircraft struggle to match.
30″ is no joke! We assume this means they can move 12″, advance 6″, and charge 12″. It’s hard to say exactly, but that’s what the absolute limit means to us.
They’re even handy for capturing objectives, as the Hunting Hounds ability bumps their OC characteristic to 1 when accompanied by a Character. Now if only there were a Kroot Character who could keep up with them…
They will be an independent unit, but you’ll want to keep them close to your units and characters, as they will get buffed up.
The Carnivores are decent troop options, and you can take 20 in one unit, which is awesome. While their weapons aren’t the strongest, with Scouts and Stealth, they have a lot of options. They also have sticky objectives, which really increases their efficiency.
He’s great for leading a big unit, as they get sustained hits from one-on-one melee attacks and an FNP, not to mention Infiltrators.
Others opt for the Kroot long gun, a pinpoint accurate rifle that fires heavy rounds over extreme ranges. Experienced Lone-spears can even pick individual soldiers out of crowded fortifications, striking down medics and weapon teams to remove daunting obstacles from the path of the kinband.
With Precision and Three Damage, there’s a chance you can snipe off some characters with this model. However, the next rule makes the long gun awesome even if you don’t kill characters.
Whatever they use to fight, their shots also serve as guiding beacons to their fellow Kroot, marking priority targets for destruction and guiding attacks to their prey – whether at range or in close combat.
This is a pretty wild rule, and if you don’t move with your Lone-spear, you will be hitting on a 2+ (since the gun is heavy). Then, all your Kroot get to re-roll hits against that unit, both in shooting and in melee! We expect a couple of these in most armies, as this rule seems super strong.
This has the free CP ability, a free unbreakable once per game, and decent melee. Overall, the Kroot are looking quite nice.
New Tau Empire Codex Datasheets & 40k Rules
Starting with Shadowsun, she has an aura to re-roll hits of ones, can gain you CP on a 5+, and still has plenty of firepower! She will be a great addition if you’re running a heavy battlesuit army!
He’s still pretty combat-focused, but with the additional +1 to the wound within 9″, he has some powerful auras. Not to mention, you can target him for 0CP!
He’s great for forcing enemies to deploy further away, adds one to the wound roll, and with infiltrators and scouts, he’s quite versatile.
Of course, you still have your classic on-foot characters.
Probably the biggest change to the army was breaking up Crisis Suits into multiple different datasheets.
The new Codex: T’au Empire splits Crisis Battlesuits into three distinct datasheets based around classic configurations,* and veteran T’au commanders might recognise a few names from lore of yore…
The Sunforge configuration melts down heavy targets with twin fusion blasters, Fireknife battlesuits mix and match plasma rifles and missile pods to crack elite troops, and Starscythe teams choose from a buffet of burst cannons and flamers to wipe out massed hordes.
Instead of one giant datasheet with a bunch of options, you now make totally different styles of units. Let’s hope you have those suits magnetized! However, this also means that you can have three of each of these in one army! So, theoretically, you can have nine units of Crisis Suits in your army.
They’re all still Crisis battlesuits, but now they get custom abilities that really help out their chosen roles. Take the Crisis Sunforge Battlesuits, for instance – their Sunforge ability helps to mitigate the low rate of fire on their fusion blasters by giving powerful re-rolls against their ideal targets. With the Retaliation Cadre Detachment rule in play, you’re firing Strength 10 shots at AP-5, each dealing D6+2 damage – with a re-roll on both Wound rolls and damage!
Talk about spicy! The rerolling wounds are quite strong. Then, when you add in the fact that you get to reroll the damage, this is honestly a wild rule!
Luckily, the Riptide is still here with all the guns you could really ever want!
Tau Empire Codex YouTube Reviews:
If you’re looking for reviews on YouTube, be sure to watch your favorite presenters talk about their take on how to play Tau and their new codex book at the links below:
Latest 40k Rules Updates For the Tau:
The latest updates for the Tau 10th Edition rules will be released in what Games Workshop calls a Balance Dataslate, sometimes along with accompanying points changes as well.
You can see all the latest Balance Dataslate updates here in our post, which breaks down the most recent changes.
How To Play Warhammer 40k Tau: Points
You can find the latest points for playing this faction in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k here on our Munitorum Field Manual Points Updates Page.
A couple of weeks after the codex dropped, they received a very small FAQ. Killing Blow’s gameplay slightly changes when you also get Lethal Hits. Before, it was all game; now, it’s turn one through three. Then, Sunforge gets a slight rewording to make it easier to understand.
Is It Still Worth Playing Tau?
Of course! Some people have been spreading some doom and gloom, but if you love big robots or Kroot, this is the army for you! Plus, without much playtesting yet, it’s hard to tell how everything will shape up. They still have a ton of shooting prowess, and now, with all the new Kroot, you can also deal some damage in melee.
Frequently Asked Questions About Playing T’au Empire In Warhammer 40k
These FAQs should help guide both new and experienced players in forming and executing basic yet effective strategies for their Tau armies in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k, leveraging their unique strengths and mitigating their vulnerabilities.
What is the key to success when playing a Tau army in Warhammer 40k?
The key to success with a Tau army revolves around maximizing their strengths in ranged combat. Utilizing their superior shooting abilities and keeping their distance from enemy units is crucial. Positioning, maintaining firing lines, and using markerlights effectively to boost your units’ accuracy are essential tactics.
How should I deploy my Tau forces at the start of a game?
Deployment for Tau should focus on securing good firing positions covering key battlefield areas. Keep your heavy shooters like the Riptide and Broadside units in positions where they can make the most of their range and firepower while screening them with cheaper units like Fire Warriors.
What are the best units to include in a competitive Tau army?
Competitive Tau armies often rely on a mix of mobile units like the Crisis Suits, which can deep strike and apply pressure, and heavy hitters such as the Riptide Battlesuits. The inclusion of plenty of drones for protection and support is also critical to help keep your valuable units alive.
How do I effectively use Tau’s markerlight system?
Using Tau’s markerlight system effectively involves targeting key enemy units early in the shooting phase with units that can act as observers to guide other squads to the optimum target with an added +1 to their Ballistic skill.
Squads like Pathfinders, Stealth Suits, etc., are great for this because they have the Markerlight keyword that also confers the ignore-cover ability to guide units’ attacks if needed.
What are some common mistakes to avoid when playing as Tau?
Common mistakes include overextending your units, neglecting to protect key assets with shield drones, and failing to balance your army composition with enough support and frontline units. Another frequent error is mismanaging the markerlight resources, which are crucial for maximizing your army’s effectiveness.
How can I counter close-combat heavy armies with Tau?
To counter melee-centric armies, maintain distance using the Tau army’s mobility and deploy units in a manner that funnels the opponent through kill zones. Utilize units like the Kroot to act as buffers, and invest in upgrades and units that can boost your Overwatch capability, such as the Tau Sept’s focused fire.
What strategies should I use for the Tau in larger games?
In larger games, expand your use of combined arms tactics. This includes integrating more diverse units, such as long-range Hammerheads for tank busting and more extensive drone networks for protection, and effectively utilizing the Mont’ka and Kauyon strategies to either advance or hold positions with enhanced shooting capabilities.
Overall, the new 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Tau Empire codex is packed with a variety of new rules, detachments, and enhancements that make playing Tau even more exciting. So grab your army and get ready for battle!
All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors
Do you like the Tau rules for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k in this how-to-play guide? Will you be playing them?