GW Reveals Two New Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol Boxes

By Travis Pasch | November 15th, 2023 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, News & Rumors

new combat patrol warhammer 40kGames Workshop revealed two new Warhammer 40k combat patrols, this time for the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Necrons- check it out!

While we saw a rumor about the Necrons Combat Patrol a little while ago, it’s nice to have it confirmed by Games Workshop!

It looks like they are going to keep the 9th Edition path to market plan going for new codexes, as they teased back during Warhammer Fest, so now in 10th Edition, each army is getting at least one new miniature along with another release like a Combat Patrol box, etc.

GW Reveals 2 New Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol Boxes

The latest news for new combat patrol boxes comes from Warhammer Community.

New Warhammer 40k Combat Patrols

Codex: Adeptus Mechanicus and Codex: Necrons are both on the immediate horizon, and each brings a new Combat Patrol box of cold-hearted logisticians who want nothing more than to snuff out biological life with their superior technology. 

The Adeptus Mechanicus are generally too preoccupied with hunting down archeotech to concern themselves with the pathetic flesh of their allies, and their new Combat Patrol box is packed with marvellous cybernetic horrors ready to cleanse dig-sites of contamination.

While this box might not have any big tanks or vehicles, all the units inside are quite useful and have been used in most competitive lists out there.

ad mech combat patrol

It’s much different from the last box, and basically, they replace the Breachers with Serberys Raiders and the Onager with the Pteraxii Skystalkers, so it’s nice if you already bought the old one. 

New Necrons Combat Patrol

New Warhammer 40k Combat Patrols 2

Combat Patrol: Necrons is an elite contingent of living metal warriors with a burning desire to return the galaxy to a state of cold stasis, including 10 Necron Warriors, three Skorpekh Destroyers, a Canoptek Doomstalker, and three Canoptek Scarab Swarms, all ready to do battle under the command of the implacable Necron Overlord Amonhotekh. There’s a painting guide and tactics over in Codex: Necrons, and the rules for this Combat Patrol are already available to download right here.

The old Necrons box was not the best, so let’s hope the new box rubs more people the right way. In our opinion, this is a much better box and should be a decent starting point for most players.

Combat Patrol necron

This is the old Necrons Combat Patrol, and if you look at GW’s site, this isn’t even on there anymore, and it’s even hard to find on Amazon. However, it’s a bit of a confusing box with the Night Scythe; either way, this box is now basically history.

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What do you think about the new Combat Patrols for Warhammer 40k? Will you pick either of them up?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!