Star Wars Shatterpoint Logray & Ewok Trappers Rules Are Here!

shatterpoint ewoks shatterpoint ewoks Logray, Ewok Trappers Yub Nub expansionTake to the forest and save Endor with these new Star Wars Shatterpoint Logray, Ewok Trappers, and Yub Nub expansion rules!

Here are some of the rules for the miniatures in the Yub Nub expansion pack for Star Wars Shatterpoint, revealed by Atomic Mass Games. Last time, we covered the Leia and Paploo expansion set rules. So be sure to take another look at this expansion set, which you can order here, or if you’re reading this after 2/16/2024, you can pick it up from your favorite local store!

Star Wars: Shatterpoint – Yub Nub Squad Pack: $59.99

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Ewoks Shatterpoint 5 shatterpoint ewoks Logray, Ewok Trappers Yub Nub expansion

Unexpected heroes rise to join the battles of Star Wars™: Shatterpoint in this new pack! The Ewoks of Bright Tree Village played a vital role in the Rebellion’s victory in the battle of Endor and this pack brings the Ewok shaman Logray into the game as a Primary Unit. He is joined by Wicket as a Secondary Unit and two Ewok Trappers wielding spears as a Supporting Unit. Rounding out the pack are R2-D2 and C-3PO, who join together to form another Secondary Unit option.

Ewoks Shatterpoint 6 shatterpoint ewoks Logray, Ewok Trappers Yub Nub expansionRounding out the releases, Logray, Wicket, C-3P0, and R2-D2 come in the Yub Nub Squad Pack. Now, you can get C-3PO and R2-D2 on one base to lead the Ewoks to victory!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Logray & Ewok Trappers Yub Nub Expansion Rules

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ewok Trappers Rules

Logray and the warriors of his village proved to be formidable forest combatants, making use of clever traps and knowledge of the lay of the land to neutralize more technologically advanced Imperial soldiers and their battle vehicles. It would be a mistake to underestimate these fighters, particularly when defending their home. Logray is a highly capable support leader, well equipped to magnify the effectiveness of his Ewok warriors. His mere proximity serves as an Inspiring Presence, protecting warriors like Wicket with hunker tokens and providing some relief from minor damage or detrimental conditions, as well as hastening Scouts like the Trappers to Dash forward. Logray knows every hidden path and bolt-hole in his surroundings, being quite capable of conducting a Stealthy Approach on his foe, an Active ability that provides a Dash and then gaining a hunker token or making a focus action to better strike the enemy. As another Active ability, Logray can deliver an Elder’s Command to a nearby Trapper to provide a Dash followed by the choice of hunkering down, removing a bad condition, or performing a free 5-die attack.

Logray has some powerful abilities. Inspiring Presence makes your Ewoks much stronger and fairly tough (especially combined with Protective Wards) with so much damage removal. Elder’s Command might be the strongest ability, as it lets you remove conditions, move, and deal a five-dice attack!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ewok Trappers Rules 2

Wisdom of the Woods has quite strong Ranged Attack and Ranged Defense Stats, and a Ranged Attack Expertise Chart that provides early critical strikes. This stance’s Combat Tree gives quick access to two Shoves and the option to inflict Strained, and then the choice of either focusing on damage, gaining a vital chance to Reposition, or do some Healing. It’s easy to imagine Logray in this stance darting from one tree to the next, taking a moment to gain some respite before sending damaging sling shots at his chosen target.

Calling on the Omen of Strength, Logray has instead given up caution to engage more directly assault, bumping up his Melee Attack and Defense Stats and switching to a stronger Melee Attack Expertise Chart, as well as a slightly stronger defense Expertise Chart. This Combat Tree has similar upper damage potential and terminates in the same opportunity to activate an Active Ability such as Elder’s Command, but offers some different conditions he can inflict while attacking with his staff, such as Pinning, Exposing, or Disarming the foe.

Wisdom of the Woods gives you a lot of shooting power and tons of cool movement (and shove) options. It also has a very robust defensive profile. Omen of Strength is excellent for getting into combat and smashing people with your staff.

Ewok Trappers Rules

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ewok Trappers Rules 3

Of course, an elder like Logray does not engage in battle alone, and his tribe will usually be with him. The Ewok Trappers are just as versed in hit and run tactics and complement their shaman quite well. They also prefer to engage by making use of a Stealthy Approach, relying on the cover of trees, hoping to deliver damage to their adversaries before they even know an ambush is sprung.

While these aren’t the strongest directly, they are basically always in cover, are super stealthy, and can use their numbers to add to the attack dice.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ewok Trappers Rules 4

Between Stealthy Approach and Camouflage, the Ewok Trappers will often have the benefit of hunkering down, making them difficult to kill with ranged attacks. The traps they have carefully set in the path of their foes are represented by Battle Tactics: Primitive Artifice, which can disrupt the carefully laid plans of their adversaries. Given their small size, Trappers prefer to use Strength of Numbers to pile onto a single adversary, harrying the prey and possibly inflicting greater harm.

What would Ewoks be without traps? You get to pick objectives and do a bunch of awesome effects, depending on what you roll!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Ewok Trappers Rules 5

Ewok Trappers rely on their Running Traps Stance, allowing both decent Ranged and Melee attacks. Trappers have a slight offensive edge in melee, due to a higher Melee Attack Stat and a stronger Melee Expertise Chart, though this opens them up to potentially dangerous retaliation as their Melee Defense stats and Expertise Chart are fairly average. It is for this reason that they prefer to attack to finish an already damaged foe swiftly, taking advantage of Strength of Numbers whenever possible. The stance’s Combat Tree has modest damage but some solid tactical options, offering an early Shove, access to a second Shove or Pinning the foe, and potentially a vital Reposition. Ewok Trappers are accustomed to staying on the move, forcing the enemy to chase after them.

Their stance isn’t too crazy, but it’s still serviceable with a decent melee profile and good movement abilities.

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