It’s Game Over Already For Some Old World Army Factions!

Warhammmer the old world new rumors rules release date latest base guide sizes wal hor titleGW revealed that it’s Game Over already for some Warhammer The Old World armies; here are all the legacy factions to say goodbye to!

Games Workshop had said a while back what factions would be getting ongoing support in Warhammer the Old World. Now, they have double-downed on the idea and what will happen with the legacy factions from Warhammer Fantasy.  However, if you want to play with any legacy armies, they will get free rules. Plus, who knows, if Warhammer The Old World does well enough, maybe we’ll be seeing more rules from them down the line…

It’s Game Over Already For Some Old World  Army ‘Legacy’ Factions!

Here is the latest on which Warhammer The Old World Army Factions to say goodbye to.

Old World Factions

A few of the factions from the previous Warhammer Fantasy Battle game will not feature in Warhammer: The Old World – this is in terms of game rules, model ranges, and the ongoing background narrative. These ‘Legacy’ factions will however get free, downloadable army lists so people can try out the new system using their older model collections. More about this in the coming weeks, though please note that they won’t be considered legal for tournaments, and won’t receive ongoing support. 

If you want to come on this long-term journey with us, the factions in the Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes books are the ones to collect and play – and we want to be pretty clear about that.

While every one of the Warhammer The Old World army factions will be playable, these are the ones that won’t be getting any ongoing support and will not be playable in tournaments. Many of these factions are still well-loved, and hobbyists who still have them have been looking forward to playing with them again since 2019.

old world model plan details

To put it in perspective, Games Workshop has effectively day one banished these factions to “Warhammer Legends” limbo moving forward.

Core Factions For Warhammer The Old World!

Here is the latest on which Core Factions will be supported for Warhammer The Old World.

old world main factions

The game will be set firmly within the Old World itself – the lands between the coast of Bretonnia to the west and the World’s Edge Mountains to the east – during the decades immediately before the Great War Against Chaos and the Siege of Praag.

Much of the action in the first wave of books and supplements takes place in and around the Border Princes – the barrier lands between the Empire and Orc territory. Accordingly, we will be focusing on nine core factions. 

These armies will have rules published alongside the launch of the Old World, and will be the pivotal players in the events covered in narrative expansions and supplements. Fans of these armies can also all look forward to some shiny new miniatures that will accompany the return of many classic kits.

factions warhammer the old world

So while all Warhammer the Old World armies will get rules at the game’s launch, these core factions seem to be the only ones that will get models (at least for a while) and be included in the game’s main narrative. We have also seen miniatures (renders and pictures) for Cathay and Kislev, so maybe they will be included in the Empire of Man or get their own releases later.

Free Warhammer The Old World Legacy Factions Rules Downloads

Warhammer the Old World legacy download free rules pdfHere are all the Warhammer The Old World rules for the Legacy Factions in free downloadable PDF army books. Read More

RUMORS: Why GW Picked The Core Army Factions For The Old World

If you notice, every single army on the list of legacy factions is currently (or rumored to be coming soon) in Age of Sigmar. Plus, according to the stores we polled, these seven factions are the armies that actually sell for the range. The only outlier is Chaos, and that faction always seems to sell no matter what system it is in.

Slann Starmaster

So you could argue GW doesn’t want Warhammer the Old World to compete with the successful products from their Age of Sigmar game system.  Reviving Old World could allow GW to sell older existing models at a lower cost to the market (for GW, not consumers) and leave room to make new models based on those factions.

Warhammer Old World Square Base Size 2Basically, by focusing on a Warhammer Fantasy reboot, minus the “successful” AoS factions, Games Workshop can remonetize the system they blew up while still allowing AoS to move forward. It also allows the two games to exist in the same space without competing.

In a few years, we’ll know if this speculation is true. GW may never add those armies back into Warhammer The Old World. They seem to be focusing on this new core faction’s narrative. If they never supported these armies, it would only make sense that they did this. Mainly to stop Old World from competing with the Age of Sigmar game by locking out these legacy factions.

warhammer the old world

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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