This New Darkoath Box is an Army of Conan the Barbarians

darkoath army box set warhammer age of sigmar chaos slaves to darknessMore reinforcements are on the way for Chaos with the new AoS Slaves to Darkness Darkoath Army Box Set, including swathes of new miniatures!

GW revealed a few new miniatures at the Warhammer World Anniversary, but don’t worry, plenty more are on the way! The new box will come with 27 new miniatures and a new Battletome Supplement. These new Darkoath models are even based on an appearance in the animated series Hammer & Bolter.

Warhammer AoS Slaves to Darkness Darkoath Army Set Box!

Here is the latest on the new Darkoath models and army box set from Warhammer Community.

Darkoath Army Set

It truly is a host – this huge launch box contains 27 miniatures, a battletome supplement, four warscroll cards, and all the tokens needed for any budding follower of the Dark Gods to re-reclaim the Realms from the Azyrite lickspittles.

The army boxes are generally a great way to get into the new army, as they have a lot of value and early access to the new models! It’s not that long ago we saw a rework for Slaves to Darkness, but they are getting plenty more and even a new supplement! Here is a closer look at the new miniatures inside.

AoS Darkoath Army Set Value is Hot Fire

Is this Worth It & Value Cheap darkoath army set boxThe AoS Age of Sigmar Darkoath Army Set Box for Chaos Slaves to Darkness offers a ton of value; here is the pricing and savings breakdown! Read More

Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed

Darkoath Army Set 2

An avid collector of mouldering heads, this guy is as good at fighting as he is at ignoring the smell of decaying flesh. He’s a grim reflection of the Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal, who’s clearly too puny to enter battle without both shoulders draped in armour.

The Chieftain has numerous options – he comes with three heads, plus two for his steed and a choice of sword or axe. Whatever headgear you choose, a magnificent mane of hair cascades manfully yet artfully down that rippling bare shoulder of his. 

We saw these boots in an Advent Engine, so while it’s not totally unexpected, the new miniature looks great!


Darkoath Army Set 3

The all-pervasive allure of Chaos is too strong for some Darkoath heroes to resist, and the Wilderfiend is what becomes of a powerful mortal champion whose ambitions outstripped their abilities. They earned the enmity of their dark patrons for breaking one of their oaths, and were changed forever as a result. 

The Wildefiend is quite terrifying! If you see this on the battlefield, it might be time to find another target…

Darkoath Army Set 4

Each tribe is watched over by the Wilderfiends they once called kin – they are both monsters and sentinels, who must be satiated with sacrifices and trophies. Perhaps their greatest shame, however, is that their once lustrous locks have been shorn forever by the cruelties of their transfiguration.

They put a ton of detail in this model, and it should be a fun one to paint.

Darkoath Marauders

Darkoath Army Set 5

Below the mighty heroes and monstrous failures of the Darkoath tribes are a bevy of fearsome mortals jockeying for glory and fighting for their families. These are the Marauders, musclebound men and women with salon-quality hair and relatively few clothes. Let the Freeguild Steelhelms keep their stuffy jerkins and breastplates – the Darkoath worked for these gains, and they’re going to show them off.

The Marauders will be the foot sloggers of the army, and they are pretty uniquely styled. This is a great rework if you’ve always wanted an army of marauders and not armor-bound warriors.

Darkoath Army Set 6

Darkoath Marauders can wield spears or a variety of one-handed raider weapons, and they may be joined by a champion, musician, and icon bearer. There are five male bodies and five female, with over a dozen shields and 30 different heads to make each raiding force unique.

Darkoath Fellriders

Darkoath Army Set 7

Horse masks are very in this season, and the Darkoath Fellriders are cantering into view with some of the finest equine accessories in all the Mortal Realms. Fellriders ditch the clunky armour of Freeguild Cavaliers, instead operating as light cavalry who soften the tribe’s enemies up with a volley or two of javelins, or charge in to finish them off with lethal broadswords.

You can’t have an army without some great-looking cavalry!

Darkoath Army Set 8

This is a versatile kit with a variety of heads, shields, peytrals, and horsey face-masks, plus a choice of javelins or blades for the whole unit – and parts to build a champion, a musician, and an icon bearer.

It looks like all the kits will have a ton of options for each miniature as well, and we’re always here for more bits!

Battletome Supplement: Darkoath

Darkoath Army Set 9

This 28-page supplement to Battletome: Slaves to Darknessexpands upon the existing Darkoath options, and includes the four new Warscrolls from the army box, the lore of the Darkoath, and plenty of brilliant art and photography. The Darkoath follow Chaos Undivided, and may be included in your existing Slaves to Darkness armies.

The Dark Angels Supplement was much cheaper than a normal codex, so let’s hope this is the same, or maybe even free at some point. Either way, you’re be getting plenty of new rules for these miniatures, and potentially any more new ones GW reveals for this subfaction as well.

The Darkoath will be joining AoS soon, and the army set box will be an easy way to score the new miniatures and rules in one buy!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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