GW Confirms Astartes II & New Angels of Death Teaser

GW-Previews-astartes-IIAstartes II is happening as GW just confirmed this series is coming soon along with Angels of Death to Warhammer+

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW Animation Preview

Warhammer Animation Preview 2With a lot of art styles and focus factions across AoS and 40k, there is a little bit for all fans in this preview it seems!

If you missed any of the last previews from Games Workshop here they are for a quick recap!

All the Latest GW Previews:

Now let’s dive into the news!

GW Announces Astartes II

astartes II logoBack when Astartes I came out, it was a 5 part series and was loved by a huge portion of the community, easily being one of the biggest animations for Warhammer in popularity.

Since then GW has gotten together with the creator and now they are working on a full sequel! We don’t have any details other than a short description, but we should know more with the next Warhammer+ update which is slated for June 23rd, so be sure to mark your calendars!

Angels of Death Preview

angels of death captainThe preview opens in on a captain making a valiant last stand against a huge tide of Genestealers/Tyranids. Unfortunately, he runs out of Heavy Bolter ammo and has to switch to the more close and personal Force Sword… For the Emperor!

angels of death drop podsWe’ve seen this project a little before, and it’s hard to forget that extremely unique color style. White-Black-Red really makes all of the Blood Angels iconographies stand out a ton, making for a unique experience while watching.

blood angels chaplainThe short preview introduces us to a handful of characters, which we will definitely be seeing more of in the full animation when it drops later this year.

 angels of death charactersDuring the stream, they said it was supposedly in July! So we aren’t too far out to start watching the full 10-minute episodes!

How do you feel about a Warhammer streaming service? Are you excited for Astartes II or Angels of Death?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!