New Blades of Khorne AoS 3.0 White Dwarf Rules Update

new-blades-of-khorne-rulesA bunch of new Age of Sigmar Blades of Khorne rules updates have been spotted in an upcoming White Dwarf- check out what’s changing!

A few months ago we saw the Cities of Sigmar receive their updated rules for AoS 3.0 in White Dwarf and it looks like most months will see a faction updated for a while. Honestly, this is a decent way to update armies to AoS 3.0 because it can take years for every army to get a book in the new edition.

This one was spotted on Reddit and might not be what you were hoping for… The rules don’t seem to do a ton to fix some of the problems with the faction, but it’s definitely better than nothing! Let’s jump into the new Blades of Khorne rules.

New Age of Sigmar Khorne Rules Spotted!

AoS Khorne RulesNot too exciting, but it’s something… However, when you compare this to what the Beasts of Chaos received with their update, it seems pretty boring.

AoS Khorne Rules 2This doesn’t really seem to do much to change how their summoning works, which is a little wonky to begin with, and this makes it so you have to do it every turn to gain the points.

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AoS Khorne Rules 3Obviously, Khorne wants to destroy the enemy, so it makes sense that all of their tactics involve attacking the enemy and destroying them!

AoS Khorne Rules 4This is a little strange as it only has a range of 8″, meaning you want to stay close to your own deployment to take advantage of this. It just really feels like they could have done some fun things with this to give your own units buffs when they destroy enemy units.

Still, forcing casters to take D6 wounds is pretty cool and re-rolling chant rolls are also pretty strong.

Check out all the other AoS Battletome rules updates inside previous White Dwarf Magazine for Age of Sigmar.

Do you like how they release new AoS 3.0 rules updates for armies like Blades of Khorne in the White Dwarf?

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