Incredible Death of Hope Still Shots Gallery Is a Must See!

space marine wal death of hopeDeath of Hope is an incredible fan film set during the Horus Heresy, and they just released a gallery with a ton of still shots from the video!

Coming from a single Warhammer 30k/40k fan on YouTube, Mark Louis Spark has gone above and beyond by bringing our worst Warhammer nightmares onto the screen.

Times have changed, and so has the overall feel of the Universe. The end goal for DoH is to encapsulate an essense of warhammer that veteran fans will be able to relate to, and new fans to see a version of warhammer that drew us in all those years ago.

Getting an in-depth look at what it would be like for a Loyalist held prisoner inside a Chaos warhship…things don’t turn out too well. We’ve already covered the full film here in case you missed it.

Jumping into the latest, here are some incredible screenshots and renderings of the film on Death of Hope’s Facebook.

Death of Hope Still Shots: Go Watch This Fan Film!

death of hope gallery 1Remember, this film is the first of the series and is set in the Horus Heresy era. So on that note, you’re going to see pics of things that may not have been in the first video as well as units that aren’t on the tabletop in 40k… Like this old Saturine pattern Termie!


If GW made some Primaris Terminators (and no Aggressors don’t fill that slot), would you like to see them draw some inspiration from this throwback?

death of hope gallery 2


death of hope gallery 3


death of hope gallery 4If you watched the video, you also probably saw these things running around through the halls pulling security.

servo automataThese look like a way scarier, real-life version of the Servo Automata in 30k.

death of hope gallery 5Next, we’ve got what looks like an Aeldari Banshee…Or some kind of dude in wraithbone. It’s been an interesting take on the Craftworlds. He’s appears really thin and nimble. But that’s probably because we’re looking at a video full of massive Space Marines.

death of hope gallery 6This is a screencap of the scene where the Word Bearer comes to pull the Ultramarine out to fight in the dueling pits. This just goes to show how much detail this one person put into the short film. From armor weathering to shadowing in the background of the corridors, everything is stunning.

death of hope gallery 8We still don’t know this dude’s backstory other than that he’s some kind of Loyalist in the Academy. He honestly looks a little like a blonde Mad Max.

death of hope gallery 9Because the ship is going through the Warp, some things have been twisted to for that extra spooky chaos effect. One of them being this weird Bloodletter statue on the ship. It almost looks like a Chaos/Xeno mix.

death of hope gallery 7Lastly, we’ve got this Wordbearer with a trophy necklace of skulls around his armor. We should also note that there’s hardly any mouth/lip movement in the video currently. The maker mentioned that he was working on that. So maybe by the time we see this guy get introduced, he’ll have dome dope speaking parts.

I’m still learning and plan to learn facial capture for part 2 and 3. 4 more years of this XD well see what happens.

If you want to check out the video, which we strongly recommend, we’ve got it here for you!

Be sure to show your support by checking out his Patreon as well! 

What do you think will happen in the next episode? Is this probably the worst thing to happen to a Loyalist in the Horus Heresy?

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