First Look at GW’s New Seraphon Rules REVEALED

seraphon lizardmen wal horSeraphon are the next faction to be getting their rules overhauled with a new Battletome! Don’t miss these new notable changes for Age of Sigmar!

Warhammer Community just revealed a massive wave of new rules about to hit the Seraphon Battletome. We’ll be breaking down each rule and seeing where GW decided to take this age-old faction in their new update.

GW First Look at New Seraphon Rules REVEALED


It looks like the rumors were correct and when you beign your list-building, you’ll be able to choose between starborne and coalesced forces of Seraphon. If you don’t know, the Coalesced are the Seraphon that decided to stay back in the realms and not escape back when the Skaven blew up the moon in the End Times.

When building a Seraphon army, you’ll start by choosing between the savage Coalesced and the mysterious Starborne, each of which offers you a suite of thematic and powerful battlefield benefits.

seraphon contemplations of the ancient onesMost Seraphon lists, if not all, run at least one Slann. And by the looks of it, they’re becoming even better. With the free ability of being able to forget a spell and remember a new one mid-game, they’ll be like a swiss-army knife.

You’ll Get Three Benefits To Also Choose From

seraphon skink

seraphon Hunter's speedThis next piece is a bit odd. But you’ll also be able to pick from a table of three different rules. These rules are free and either benefits the whole army or some certain units. The only one we’ve seen so far is The Hunter’s Steed which gives your whole army +1 to advance and charge. It’s definitely not bad, especially for a free new rule. However, we don’t know how it’ll stack up to the other two.

Starborne Seraphon

Seraphon ArtStarborne forces represent the Azyrite Seraphon. Extremely mobile and blessed with the ability to summon new reinforcements to the battlefield, they’re flexible, powerful and excel at objective-based play or when using powerful casters like Slann Starmasters.

seraphon lords of space and timeSlann Starmasters specifically for the Starborne Seraphon will be able to pick up their buddies on the battlefield and drop them back down 9″ away. If you’re playing hard objective games like the relocation orb, it’ll be a walk in the park to keep scoring points.

seraphon unfeelingNow because these Seraphon exist in the heavenly Azyr, they’re not exactly 100% Physical being, giving them the Unfeeling rule, which is basically maxing out their bravery.

New Coalesced Sub-Faction

lizardmen seraphon race hor walCoalesced armies represent the more savage, terrestrial Seraphon that have made their home in the Mortal Realms, and as such, they have gained several powerful advantages to their combat prowess. For example, whether you’re fielding Saurus, Stegadons or anything in between, you’ll get a helpful extra attack with any jaw-based weapons you’re using!

seraphon predatory fightersBecause these Seraphon have essentially “toughed it out” for all those years, they’ve become a lot meaner and know how to survive in harsh environments. These have a real Ghur-type of feeling to the army just allowing these guys to punch a lot harder across the board.

seraphon scaly skinMaking the Coalesced surprisingly tanky, Scaly Skin will help your units stick to the table a bit longer. Since they forfeit the ability to jump around the board like the Starborne.

Sub-Factions For the Sub-Factions!

seraphon artDepending on whether you choose Starborne or Coalesced, you’ll also be able to pick sub-factions for each. And each of these are going to come with their own unique Ability, Command Trait, Artifact, and some will have Command Abilities as well.

seraphon dracothions tailYou’ll want to bring a Slann, otherwise, this ability is useless. On top of that, it might be good to bring two or three and have them evenly spread around the field. That way you can drop just the right unit at-will to react to whatever your opponent is doing. This ability is definitely powerful and could be proactive or reactive depending on your own personal playstyle.

seraphon fangs of sotekLooking a bit deeper into the static effects of the sub-factions, Fangs of Sotek will be able to race up the board a bit ahead of time from all their brothers and sisters. Just remember that if you move too far forward when you go first, you could open yourself up to get charged turn one.

seraphon koatls clawFor another bonus, Savagery Incarnate Saurus units will be able to get bonuses to hit whenever they charge. To make sure they always get the charge off and proc this rule, you might want to help screen with a few cheap Skink as speed bumps.

seraphon dominant predatorKeeping the scope on Koatl’s Klaws, you General can also auto-generate a CP whenever he issues commands. Coming from a Gloomspite Gitz player, having plenty of CP to fuel your force is an insanely powerful mechanic.

Warscroll Cards Have Been Tweaked

lizardmen seraphon crater gatorsLoads of Seraphon warscrolls have been tweaked for the new Battletome, ensuring the army is streamlined, effective and fun to play. Some changes are small, while others are pretty significant, like the Skink Oracle on Troglodon.

skink troglodon

seraphon oracle of the slann


seraphon comets callThe Skink riding a Troglodon got two pretty big changes with a new ability and spell printed on his rules sheet. With his reach of unbinding spells without any cap on range as well as being able to comfortably deal 3D3 mortal wounds anywhere on the battlefield, we’ll probably be seeing at least one of these guys appear in lists.

seraphon celestite clubWe all know how much of an impact one point of rend can have on things dying in-game. And now, Saurus Warriors are coming stock with -1 rend on all their clubs.

Seraphon Are Bound to Their Spells

seraphon lizardmen wal horWe actually saw the Bound mechanic on Endless Spells first appear with the Ossiarch Bonereapers. However, the Seraphon are also getting the ability. This lets any Endless Spell cast by a Seraphon player to ONLY be moved by the Seraphon player.

 bound predatory endless spells can only be moved by a player using a Seraphon army. No more watching Purple Suns and Geminids of Uhl-Gysh crash into your own units – just utter magical destruction at your command! 

It’ll take a bit of time to digest all the rules we’ve just gone over. But with all of the latest previews covered, how will you be piloting your Seraphon army? Will you make them Coalesced and give everything a bloody nose on the table? 

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