New 40k Engine War Imperial Knight Rules Preview

knight cover hor walNew Imperial Knight 40k rules were just previewed from Engine War, as another Psychic Awakening teaser from Games Workshop is here!

Warhammer Community revealed the next wave of Imperial Knight support coming inside Engine War. In case you missed it, they’ve also just covered what the Chaos Knights, and Admech will be getting.

Engine War Table of Contents Spotted Earlier

engine war table of contentsWe saw earlier that the Imperial Knights are getting about ten pages worth of support inside Engine War. Now, we’ve got official rules teasers coming down the pike from GW.

GW Reveals Imperial Knight Support in Engine War

knight wal

Starting off with Stratagems, the Knight Wardens got a 1CP Strat to absolutely PEPPER an enemy unit standing within 8″ of it.

imperial knights stratagem belligerent machine spirit

The Warden’s Avenger Gatling Cannon’s shots all auto-hit. The key thing is that this will have to be a target within 8″ to make use of it. Good thing Wardens don’t mind getting into melee so you should be close to enemies with this Knight build anyway. SPICY!

imperial knights stratagem thin their ranksFor Helverins, this is a 1CP max-shot output trick. If you’re taking a squad of Helverins you’ll want to use this in every shooting phase that you can. Also note it says when an Armiger Helverin model from your army is chosen to shoot with. That seems to mean that 1CP, all your Helverins get max shots, right?

imperial knights stratagem trophy claimFinally, you’ll probably want to use this Stratagem on a Gallant. Whenever you kill a Titanic unit, you can convert 1CP into +1 attack for the rest of the game. This can be solid if the conditions are right. However, the more attacks you throw on a model like a Knight, they’ll be an even bigger target so don’t expect him to last too long.

Create Your Own Household Rules

knight titan wal horJust like every other faction getting more rules support, Imperial Knights will also be able to pull from tables of unique rules to make their own Household.

Imperial Knights now also give you the option to create your own knightly household. When you do this, you get to select two abilities and apply them to your force. Do your Knights like to squash hordes as if they were insignificant insects? Then choose Guardians of the Frontier.

imperial knight custom household guardians of the frontierIf you plan on going against monsters or just want your Knights to have even happier feet. You can give them Guardians of the Frontier. It’s going to be hard to proc this rule because you have to be standing next to a unit with 11 or more models. That’s really only found in Chaos, Orks, and some Nid lists most of the time.

imperial knight custom household stormstridersStormstriders is a little bit stronger and more consistent as you always get +1″ to your movement will hardly ever change. Note, your BS/WS might get worse as you degrade. However, your movement should relatively be untouched.

Mehcanicus & imperial Allegiance Expanded

a-lance knight wal horImperial Knights owe their allegiance to either the Imperium of Man or the Machine Cult, and you can now get a bonus for your army depending on which one you choose to swear yourself to

imperial knight allegiance sacristan pledgeIf you roll with Mechanicus, you can auto-heal a wound on each of your turns. Just a useful little side rule that could bring you a bracket higher if you’re damaged.

Each Allegiance also offers a choice of three new Warlord Traits. If you’ve pledged yourself to the Imperium and like getting up close and personal, then increase the range of your Heroic Intervention.

imperial knight allegiance warlord trait tireless dutyIf you choose your allegiance to be Imperial and you make your Knight the Warlord, GW’s given us Tireless Duty to look at. This will let you Heroically Intervene 6″ which will help create a bubble of safety around some units/characters that you don’t necessarily want to be eaten by a Disco Lord.

This is all just the tip of the iceberg for what’s coming in Engine War. Any support is a helping hand to a faction! For the Imperial Knights, they’ve got some real powerhouse Stratagems for cheap too.

What do you think about the support that’s been revealed? Are you going to start fixing up your Knights for the tabletop next? 

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