Ephrael Stern Daemonifuge Hardback & Bundle Shipping Now!

daemonifuge 20th anniv epheral sternThe 40k Daemonifuge graphic novel is back in all its hardcover glory, but best of all they are in stock and shipping right now!

This graphic novel is simply incredible, there’s really no other way to describe it. After many years the novel is finally being presented in its full-color magnificence. There are so many novels in The Black Library, but few stand up to the artistry presented in Daemonifuge. We’ve had the uncolored version on the shelf for some time, but can’t wait to see this in its new colored format. And who doesn’t love a hardback?

Ephrael Stern Daemonifuge Hardback & Bundle Shipping Now!

Ephrael Stern just got new rules and an amazing model, what better time to learn about her background and lore? She is overall one of the most interesting characters in 40k who toes the line between Saint and Heretic.

If you want to see our full coverage on her, go check it out here.

Daemonifuge (Hardback)

Ephrael Stern – Sister of Battle – Daemonifuge! Tainted soul or living weapon against the dark forces of Chaos? Under investigation by the Inquisition, Ephrael Stern and the inquisitor Silas Hand must place their trust in each other as they embark on a dangerous quest to discover the origins of Stern’s power. The classic graphic novel returns, presented for the first time in stunning full color.

Created by Jim Campbell, Chris Quilliams, Gordon Rennie, Karl Richardson, Simon Spurrier, Tiernen Trevallion and Kev Walker

The fun doesn’t stop there! Games-Workshop is also releasing the Heretic Saint Bundle for those who want even more Stern stuff. This insane box set includes the graphic novel with an alternative cover, extra artwork, dice, markers and more!

Ephrael Stern- The Heretic Saint Bundle

ephrael stern the heretic saintThis mega limited edition contains a hardback copy of The Heretic Saint, a copy of the Daemonifuge graphic novel with alternate cover, a fleur-de-lis wax seal stamp and wax, six dice in a dice bag, an Ephrael Stern enamel pin, cloth bookmark and coin, and three art prints. This is strictly limited edition, so make sure that you get up early on Saturday to get your hands on one.

What will you be grabbing out of these books? Will you be using Ephrael in your Sisters army? 

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Daemonifuge Graphic Novel