RUMORS: New Plastic Death Korps of Krieg Death Riders

dkok paintedIf you grabbed the Beast Snagga box, you may have seen a clue for what may be plastic Death Korps of Krieg Death Riders!

GW rarely puts out artwork these days without also putting out the correlating minis. Gone are the days of just no rules, no models.

Now GW has got the marketing machine in such order that we rarely even see artwork without the minis, so the artwork inside the new Beast Snagga box may just have revealed what to expect!

octarius dkok death korpsWe recently took a look at what other models may come in plastic for DKoK, of course, the riders were in there because they are such a staple in the army. Maybe not as important as shovels, but they come in at a close second!

It only makes sense if they are bringing the minis over from Forge World we need some more plastic!

RUMORS: Plastic Death Korps of Krieg Death Riders

Beast Snagga box artThis is the artwork from the inside box, we had seen Azog already, but the whole frame showcasing DKoK infantry probably wasn’t expected by most. With the DKoK squad revealed for Kill Team, we expect they will stretch any new plastic models into a couple of releases, including a command box and troop box.

The other piece of art from the Beast Snaggas Army box is where things really get interesting.

Beast Snagga box art 2What is that we see charging into the lines? Oh, hello Death Riders! As we said before, GW really doesn’t like to put out art for something that’s not going to have a miniature, meaning they could already even have the sculpts ready to go, fingers crossed, in plastic!

If you look at the Orks side, they also didn’t put anything random in here, meaning everything you see, you could get. So, if you’ve been hoping for a cheaper and plastic DKoK army, your dreams are looking more and more like they will come true.

Again, this is a rumor based on some artwork, so don’t get too excited just yet. Or, why not, get hyped- it’s always fun to have something to look forward to!

dkok deathriderRob painted up some of the resin ones, not too long ago (you can check out the tutorial here) and they have always been awesome minis. We hope with them coming in plastic, they will actually be a little cheaper and even more detailed!

Are you excited about more plastic DKoK? Do you think this rumor will come true?

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