40k Kill Team Moroch Price, Value & Savings Breakdown

kill-team-moroch-what-is-it-worthCheck out the value, pricing, and savings for the 40k Kill Team: Moroch Box with new Space Marines upgrade and Chaos renegade traitor guard!

Now that we’ve seen the price for the Kill Team Moroch box itself and the previous releases of some of the units and models inside, we have a pretty good idea of the price, value, and savings.

There is also some intrinsic value as this is the only way to get the new models early. It has traditionally taken months for the teams to come out independently in the past. So if you want the new models, it’s either buy the box or score them on the secondary market.

Kill Team Moroch traitor guardIf you’re getting into the Kill Team game, this is a fairly easy way if you missed out on Octarius. However, you will still need the core rulebook from that box set as well.

Now, let’s check out the value! 

40k Kill Team Moroch Price, Value & Savings Breakdown

Kill Team Moroch

This boxed set contains 22 miniatures making up two full kill teams – that’s 12 Blooded members of the traitor guard and 10 Phobos Space Marines. Ten of the Blooded are completely new, and they’re incredibly customisable.

The prices are guessed at this point, but we think this is pretty close based on what we’ve seen.

  • 10 Traitor Guardsmen $60 (based on recent DKoK Kill Team)
  • Commissar and Ogryn $60 (this was $60 back in 2019 when released, we’re assuming they at least keep the price the same)
  • Phobos Marines With Upgrade Sprue $70 (current box is $60, Spreu will most likely add $10)


  • STC Hab-Bunker and Stockades $80 
  • Vox-Antenna and Auspex Shrine $70
  • Landing Pad $70

There are actually some bigger pieces in the box, so a lot of the cash savings will come in the way of terrain.


  • Moroch Book $45 (based on Chalnath book, but they have not released any separately since)

Total MSRP $455

Savings Versus $210 Box Price: $245

Is Kill Team Moroch Worth it Value-Wise?

Kill Team Moroch space marines

First up, this has much more value than we’ve seen recently from other Kill Team boxes, so that’s awesome right off the bat. Like many of these boxes we’ve seen, most of the value comes in the terrain. Still, this lets you get the new Space Marines (upgrade sprue) and Chaos Renegade Traitor Guard months before their individual release.

The box could have more value because of the previous price of the Commissar and Ogryn. It’s also $15 more than Nachmund but will save you $60 more. Plus, you get a ton of terrain, the books, and new rules for each team.

So whether you play Kill Team (Moroch) or not, this has pretty good value in terms of miniatures and the game itself.  However, if you don’t need the terrain or book, it might be worth it to just wait for the miniatures on their own.

Will you be picking this up? What do you think about the price, savings, and value breakdown of  Kill Team Moroch?

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