Building a 2000 Points Fyreslayers Army on a Budget

If you’re building on a budget, here’s how you can get a 2000 points Fyreslayers army without totally breaking the bank- check it out!

This week we are going to focus on building out a Fyreslayers force focusing on the Vanguard box set that tends to be the best value for money you can get outside of the starter sets. If you’re curious about the Fyreslayers and want to see how we broke down the various lodges (subfactions), you can check those articles out below:


Building a 2000 Points Fyreslayers Army on a Budget

Battletome Fyreslayers

Battletome: Fyreslayers $55

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games |

First, though let’s review the abilities that all Fyreslayers lodges get:

Ur Gold Rune: Pick one and roll a D6 on a 1-5 get basic ability on a 6 you ALSO get the enhanced. Each Rune can only be used once per battle.

  • Rune of Fury: Basic add 1 to hit rolls for melee weapons. (Enhanced adds 1 to Attacks)
  • Rune of Searing Heat: Basic is unmodified 6 to wound deal a mortal wound. (Enhanced rolls a D6 for every unit within 3” of your units, on a 2+ they suffer a mortal wound)
  • Rune of Awakened Steel: Basic is melee weapons get -1 Rend. (Enhanced is an additional -1 Rend)
  • Rune of Fiery Determination: Basic is all your units gain 6+ Ward Save. (Enhanced is 5+)
  • Rune of Relentless Zeal: Basic is add 2 to all Move. (Enhanced adds 2 to charge rolls)
  • Rune of Farsight: Basic is add 1 to hit rolls for throwing axes. (Enhanced adds 1 to wound rolls)

Fierce Counter Attacks: Command ability, use at the start of enemy hero phase, pick one friendly Auric Hearthguard, Hearthguard Bezerker, or Vulkite Bezerker unit within 3” of an enemy that made a charge move that turn and not within 3” of a unit that has not made a charge move that turn. They gain the strike first effect. A unit can only receive this command once per battle.

Grimwrath Oaths

Duardin Army fyreslayers age of sigmarGrimwrath Oaths: For each Grimwrath Berzerker in your army, they get one oath; you cannot duplicate oaths.

  • Against priests add 1 to hit and wound rolls and increase the damage of the weapon by 1.
  • Can become the retinue of an Auric Runefather or Auric Runeson
  • Can run and charge in the same turn. Can re-roll run and charge rolls
  • Add 1 to hit and wound rolls if they are within 12” of friendly allied units.
  • Ward saves of 6+ if within 3” of enemy units it becomes a 5+.
  • Unmodified hit rolls of 6 deal 1 mortal wound in addition to other damage.

Blaze of Fury: Heroic Action: Start of the hero phase you can choose this action instead of the normal ones, until the end of your turn the enhanced effect of the ur-gold rune applies to this hero. Each hero can only use this ability once per battle.

Unique Command traits, artefacts, traits, prayers, and invocations.

Getting Started With the Vanguard Box

Vanguard FyreslayersNext, let’s take a look at what we get in the Vanguard Box Set:

  • 1 Battlesmith: 150 points Leader 1 of 6
  • 5 Hearthguard Berzerkers: 160 Points
  • 20 Vulkite Bezerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes: 340 Points, Battleline 1 of 3

Total 650 Points

This is a horde-style box, so I am going to build around the Vostarg Lodge which lets you add 1 to hit and wound rolls for attacks made with melee weapons by Vostarg Vulkite Berzerkers that made a charge move.

Taking it to 2000 Points

Auric Runefather on MagmadrothThe next thing I am going to do is add another Vanguard box set to round out my troops and battleline units. Then to make those Hearthguard Berzerkers battleline I am going to pick up an Auric Runfather on Magmadroth and to make my general, and then get a bonus Auric Runsmiter with him. Then I am going to round out the army by taking an Auric Flamekeeper and a Grimwarth Bezerker. The final list will look like this.

  • Battlesmith: 150 Points, Leader 1of 6
  • Auric Runsmiter: 135 Points, Leader 2 of 6
  • Auric Runefather on Mamadroth: 360 Points, Leader 3 of 6, General
  • Battlesmith: 150 Points, Leader 4 of 6
  • Auric Flamekeeper: 90 Points, Leader 5 of 6
  • Grimwrath Berzerker: 105 Points, Leader 6 of 6
  • 10 Hearthguard Berzerkers: 320 Points, Battleline 1 of 3
  • 20 Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes: 340 Points, Battleline 2 of 3
  • 20 Vulkite Berzerkers with Fyresteel Handaxes: 340 Points, Battleline 3 of 3
  • Total 1990 Points

How to Build the List

fyreslayersThis is a pretty horde-heavy army, but it does give you some versatility in that you have a fast-moving Mamadroth and a deep striking unit to keep your opponent busy while the rest of your force catches up. It’s also a lot of models which are good for taking and holding objectives.

However, when compared to other horde-style type armies, this model count is a little lower than the others so be sure you don’t just throw away troops; they need to earn their keep. These guys can pack a punch though especially if they get the charge in so your opponent will need to consider all your troops around the battlefield and they can’t really ignore any of them.

For my battalion, I am going to take the warlord battalion because we need to make your heroes into fighting machines equal to your troop blocks. Getting the bonus enhancement lets us beef them up. Starting with the Runefather, I am going to take the Axe of Grimnir, along with the mount trait to the Flame Scale Youngblood to give him a bit more damage potential.

For the command trait, I am going to give my general the Fury of the Fyreslayers to give my units a chance to get into combat all that much quicker. For the bonus enhancement, I am going to give my Grimwrath Berzerker the Draught of Magmalt Ale as a sort of surprise for my opponent. I think they might ignore the little guy on foot, and so if he can get into combat without getting shot off the board, he could dish out some pain.

There you have it; one of the cheapest ways I see that you can build a Fyreslayers army around the Vanguard start collecting boxes. It’s still a pricey army but getting over half your points from these boxes is a pretty good start.

Here’s more on how to play and collect am Age of Sigmar Fyreslayers army!

More AoS How-To For Beginners & Veteran Players!

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