New Imperial Guard 40k Miniatures Size & Scale Comparison

new-imperial-guardHere are the size and scale of the new Imperial Guard Cadian Astra Militarum miniatures compared to the old ones, and other Warhammer 40k models as well!

With the new Cadia Stands Imperial Gaurd Astra Militarum Army box out, people have been sizing these new minis up to the old ones, and side-by-side, they look pretty great! While the scale is slightly different in height, the overall look is the biggest difference.

We’ll also take compare the new Breachers and Kasrkin to get a full feel for the size and scale of the new Imperial Guard miniatures as well as the look.

New Imperial Guard 40k Miniatures Size & Scale Comparison

These images come from zero_five_kim over on Instagram, and really give a good idea of how they look.

Imperial Guard sizeAs you can see, they are actually slightly taller, which hopefully won’t make a huge difference if you already have a ton of the old models. However, the proportions are way different, with a much more human-like feel. Judging from the comments, a lot of people seem to think this is a step in the right direction for the line.

We actually grabbed the box, and they look great in person, so we have no complaints either.

Imperial Guard size 2The size and scale compared to the other models didn’t really change too much either, and the Cadians seem to actually look more in line with the more recent Warhammer Miniatures now.

Cadia Stands Unboxing 14This is actually from Rob’s unboxing, and the Cadian Imperial Guard models look much more like the Forge World Death Korps of Krieg miniatures scale-wise than they do the older Cadians.

New Imperial Guard Kasrkin & Breachers Miniatures Size Comparison

Also thanks to zero_five_kim, we can compare the scale of the other new imperial guard miniatures as well!

Imperial Guard Size ComparisonThe Breacher and the Kasrkin have a much more “human” look and are a little taller. However, the scale is close enough for older models to be in the game (just like the Cadian miniatures).

Imperial Guard Size Comparison 2They actually come in a hair taller than the Admech but are slightly smaller than the Eldar.

Imperial Guard Size Comparison 3Obviously, they are still dwarfed by the Warahmmer+ exclusive Terminator, as they should be!

One thing is for sure, the proportions on the new Imperial Guard miniatures look much more life-like than what we have seen before, so if you love the scale of the old sausage fingers and giant heads, you might be disappointed.

Do you like the new size and scale of the new Imperial Guard Astra Militarum Cadian Miniatures?

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