Games Workshop, We Need You To Do This Already Please!

Here is one little change Games Workshop could implement that would really make the balance updates for Warhammer 40k more digestible. 

This time, the 40k Balance Datasheet points update had updates notated in magenta for the first time (which is a huge step in the right direction), but that’s not quite far enough! Especially when you look at the most recent AoS update, it’s quite obvious which one is easier for newer players (and everyone, really) to digest.

This isn’t the biggest deal of all time because we have things like Battlescribe, but still, why not put in the extra effort that you’re already doing for Age of Sigmar when it comes to Warhammer 40k too?

Making Warhammer Points Changes Great Again

Battlescroll Balance Update 2023 3So, what are we talking about? Well, how much easier it is to read the AoS points updates (above) than it is to read the 40k ones (below). The AoS ones are perfect; they tell you in different colors the points and if they are going down or up.

There is literally no guessing at all, it takes one second to look at each unit and just know how the points are changing!

Warhammer 40k points changes

When you compare the AoS changes to the 40k ones, it’s just ten times easier! Hey, we’ll give GW credit, at least they were in red this time, but you have to break out your codex (and the last set of points changes) to know how much everything changed and whether it’s a buff or a NERF.

If you’ve been playing for a long time, it’s not a huge deal. However, it’s really hard to understand what’s happening if you’re just getting into the game. Yes, this is a step in the right direction, but why not just show how much each entry is changing like the AoS one?

It seems like the internal teams within GW don’t talk to each other too much. As the update styles are completely different from one another and the AoS is much easier to tell what’s happening. As we said, not the biggest thing in the world, but just take that extra step for 40k y’all!

Considering there are so many changes and FAQs throughout the year, we think the goal should be to make it as simple as possible for the players.

The best part about this change is that Games Workshop is already doing it, well, for Age of Sigmar. So let’s get those departments talking people!

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Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

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    Would you like AoS style points changes ported over to Warhammer 40k? 

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