Free Space Marine Chapters Index Cards Downloads: 10th Edition 40k Rules

index-cards-rules-datasheets-space-marine-chapters-10th-Edition-warhammer-40k-rules-newFive sets of FREE 10th Edition 40k index datasheets cards are now available via PDF download for the rest of the Space Marine Chapters rules!

These Space Marine datasheets for the new 10th Edition 40k rules include everything other than the points, but let’s hope those drop soon, so we can all start list-building!

We’ve covered a lot of these new rules so far, but it’s nice to see how the army will be structured and how simplified it all appears now.

Click the links below for the latest on 10th Edition Warhammer 40k and the full articles!

Now, let’s jump into the new rules!

Free Space Marine Chapters Index Cards Downloads: 10th Edition 40k Rules

The new Space Marines 10th Edition 40k index datasheets cards rules download are located on Warhammer Community.

We’ll start with the Blood Angels, but there are five chapters this time around, and we’ll cover all of them!

The Blood Angels, for example, bring along the dreaded Death Company, led by the seraphic Commander Dante for a maelstrom of bloody close combat.

Space Marine Chapters Index CardsThis is super strong, as +1 Attack and Strength will make your Blood Angels monsters!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 2They are very focused on combat with the ability to consolidate further, get lance and lethal hits, and can gain tons of re-rolls!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 3Again, these all focus on melee, and you can either fall back and charge or fight even after having models destroyed!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 4For Enhancements, you can either get better AP (and a 2+ save), get rid of OC, kill chaos better, or force all fallbacks to be Desperate Escape Tests!

If you want to download all the new Blood Angels 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free, you can here!

Dark Angels Index Cards

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 5

The Dark Angels make sterling use of their Grim Resolve ability to hold objectives to the last, while making sure enemy forces pay dearly in blood for any objective they cede. They’re also bringing along their Primarch.

This could be huge, as you can still keep your objectives even when battle-shocked and might be able to sneak out a few extra Victory Points!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 6Being able to fall back and act normally is always strong. Then Lethal Hits on a 5+ is powerful, and giving your weapons all the keywords is awesome too!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 7Unbreakable Lines is super strong, as it can keep your unit alive for way longer! Then, you can shoot in your opponent’s shooting phase, so some pretty awesome stratagems overall.

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 8Shroud of Heroes is incredible, as it just brings your characters back to life on a 2+! Then, you can also buff up your characters, and they get even better when they are battle-shocked.

If you want to download all the new Dark Angels 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free, you can here!

Space Wolves Index Cards 40k 10th Edition Datasheets

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 9

The Space Wolves are also potent close combat specialists, but trade the refined grace of the Blood Angels for savage barbarian assaults and potent mysticism. All in the name of the Emperor, of course – no need to call the Inquisitor.

This is pretty flavorful for Space Wolves, and if you can attain these sagas, you gain some pretty sweet bonuses! Getting something like an army-wide 6+ Feel No Pain, Lethal Hits, or better OC can help an army overall.

While they aren’t hard to do, you must pick the right one in the right turn.

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 10You can either improve your AP or get a powerful Feel No Pain; both are improved when you complete your saga.

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 11They also have an increased consolidation, the ability to charge and shoot if they fall back or advance, and get saga benefits even if you haven’t completed them yet!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 12The Enhancements are decent and can really buff up your character.

If you want to download all the new Space Wolves 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free, you can here!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards: Black Templars

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 13

The Black Templars temper their extraordinary zeal with well-drilled blade skills, giving little heed for the tenets of the Codex Astartes as they crusade across the galaxy.

You can pick one of the four and get a big army-wide buff for the whole game! All of these are pretty strong, and depending on the army you’re against, you can get some cool bonuses.

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 14Getting double vows is super strong for a unit, and forcing a unit to stay in combat is always a fun stratagem!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 15They have the ability to fight after death, but unlike some of the other chapters, you have to roll for each model. Crusader’s Wrath is super strong if the proper vow is on, and lastly, pretty much every chapter gets Armour of Contempt.

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 16You can either go for more AP, Attacks or get great at killing psykers. Lastly, Tannhauser’s Bones might be the best, as it not only halves damage, but if you have the proper vow active, your unit gets a 5+ FNP, which is super strong.

If you want to download all the new Black Templars 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free, you can here!

Deathwatch Index Cards

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 17

Finally, the Deathwatch continue their long vigil against the xenos menace with the most adaptable veterans in the Space Marines roster. They’re also startlingly effective against non-alien armies, which has caught more than a few traitors unawares.

It’s nice to see the essence of the Kill Teams stick around, but for the most part, you go with what the majority of the army is. This also lets you embark all kinds of models into a transport, which doesn’t have as many restrictions as they used too.

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 18You can only select these tactics once per game, but each is quite strong with either Lethal Hits, Sustained Hits, or Precision.

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 19Hellfire Rounds stick around, which is perfect for killing any infantry and pretty great for monsters. Then, you can also teleport your units all around or get more than one tactic at a time.

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 20Kraken Rounds give you more range and AP, while the Dragonfire Rounds move all your weapons to assault! Plus, you can select two units for only 1 CP with each of these!

Space Marine Chapters Index Cards 21Lastly, their enhancements are pretty substantial, with all kinds of buffs to your characters, and you can even force tanks not to shoot! Then, you can teleport around for free, which is just insane. If you want to download all the new Death Watch 40k 10th Edition datasheets index cards PDFs for free, you can here!

Click Here to Download the Space Marine Chapters Index Cards!

Check out the latest Warhammer 40k rumors for the rest of the 9th and even 10th Edition, new releases, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!