Turn Tor Garadon Into A Rune Priest With These Conversion Bits!

BW-Terrain-Bits-New-Products-torBW Terrain & Forge has a fantastic kit to help you upgrade your Tor Garadon model into a Space Wolf-styled Rune Priest!

BW Terrain & Forge has been in the game for a minute, so they have a giant catalog of bits and terrain and are always coming out with some of the coolest stuff out there! They have way more than just bits for Marines, so pretty much any faction can grab some extra bits!

Today, though, we’ll focus on a bunch of their new alternative Deathwatch shoulder pads. Just be sure to use code SPIKEYBITS to get 10% off at checkout! 

Rune Priest Upgrade Kit: $10

Rune Priest Upgrade Kit

This conversion kit includes a variety of parts to take the Tor Garadon and upgrade him to a Space Wolf Rune Priest.

This set comes with the following parts:
– Rune Priest Head
– Aggressor Back Pack
– Chakram Iron Halo

– Space Wolf Shoulder Pads
– Shin Guards
– Viking Style Shoulder Shield
– Right  hand with Rune Spear
– Left hand casting Energy
– Back Totem with relics, skulls, and cyber familiar
– Tabbard with Furs.

Rune Priest Upgrade 2

Note this kit expects you will use a normal Aggressor arm for the miniatures right arm, versus the power fist.

Rune Priest Upgrade 3

That’s it for this one, so make sure you check BW Terrain & Forge out for all your alternative 40k bit needs!

Click Here to Get Your Alternative Bits!

Use code SPIKEYBITS to get 10% off at checkout!