3D Printing

3D Printing Articles, News & Rumors

Welcome to the world of 3D printing, where creativity meets tabletop gaming and can help you craft your perfect army!

Whether you’re printing custom miniatures, terrain, or upgrade bits, 3D printing has changed the hobby in a big way—giving players more control over their armies and battlefields than ever before.

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Here, you’ll find the latest news on printers, resin, and filament, along with updates on must-know techniques, model releases, and troubleshooting tips.

From dialing in the perfect settings to finding the best files for your next project, we’re here to help make your prints look amazing and game-ready.

Looking for ways to bring more customization to your army? Need advice on supports, curing, or post-processing? Stay tuned for guides, product updates, and all the latest on how 3D printing is reshaping the wargaming scene.