GW Reveals New Maugan Ra 40k Eldar Rules

By Rob Baer | February 13th, 2022 | Categories: Aeldari, Eldar

maugan-ra-rules-eldarFirst, it was the new model, and now we have updated Eldar rules for Maugan Ra, the Harvester of Souls from Games Workshop!

If you were wondering how the new Maugan Ra would work, these rules are fairly comprehensive and will give you a lot to look forward to! Obviously, part of them are rumors as we don’t have the codex in our hands quite yet, so take them with as much salt as you need, but they seem pretty legit.

There new Maugan Ra rules were actually released by Warhammer Community. Let’s first look at the rumors we’ve seen, then check out all the new leaks.

9th edition Aeldari eldar codex

So what’s waiting for you in the pages of this massive new 200-page codex? Let’s start with new ways to build the mixed-faction Aeldari armies of your dreams. Their race may be in decline, but they’re full of vibrant factions who can be called on for aid.

As well as rules for Asuryani Aeldari (that’s craftworlds to me and you), this new codex also has rules for fielding Harlequins – we’ll have more info on adding these deadly clowns to your armies later in the week. We saw the first Corsairs miniature at LVO, and you can also include them in an army. You can even dedicate yourself to the Aeldari god of death and take a Ynnari army – all using the same codex!

Eldar Aspect Warrior, Phoenix Lord & Exarch 40k Rules

eldar advent engine day 18Interesting rumors for sure which may have more implications for Asurman, and perhaps how he may or may not continue to buff other aspect warriors now.  Phoenix Lords always seemed to be underpowered in the invul department too, so if they are getting a blanket save now we may see a lot more of them hit the tables in the near future.

Aspect warriors as well always needed “a little bit more” to make them worth taking outside of rangers for the most part in lists. So here’s hoping for the accuracy of these rumors.

New Eldar Maugan Ra Rules

magun ra

As the founder of the Dark Reaper Aspect Shrine, this ghoulish warrior embodies the inevitability of death – many of his victims bite the dust before they even catch sight of his macabre visage. That’s kind of a shame, because Maugan Ra is dressed to kill. Just look at his new miniature, with its ragged pitch-black robes and baroque, bony armor.

Maugan Ra Rules

With six shots at Strength 7, plus a devastating crop of mortal wounds, Maugan Ra is the bane of elite squads – and can even pose a nasty threat to enemy Vehicles and Monsters. And despite the Maugetar’s outrageous size, this fearsome Phoenix Lord still benefits from the Battle Focus ability, allowing him to strike hard before fading away like a ghost.

They have really focused him on killing swaths of 2 wound infantry. Then, you’re bound to roll at least one six, and with Battle Focus, he can shoot and then make a D6″ move for free.

It’s pretty easy to get a single character back into hiding, so pretty sweet. In combat, he’ll also be able to dish out some damage with +2 Strength, -2 AP, and 2 Damage.

Special Rules

Maugan Ra Rules 2

On top of that, his ghastly presence is so intimidating that each foe he scythes down counts as two kills for Morale purposes. The Maugetar’s decapitating shurikens and foe-reaping blade can force even the most courageous warriors to double-check their funeral arrangements.

This is really strong and just makes him that much better at killing infantry. Even if you manage to kill three Marines, for example, they will count as having three died. Meaning even with high leadership, there’s a good chance they could fail.

Maugan Ra Rules 3

Maugan Ra is among the most favoured of Khaine’s warriors, embodying the war god’s nature as a Destroyer. Such paragons aren’t easy to kill – on top of the mighty 2+ Save offered by his ominous armour, he also has a 4+ invulnerable save, and cannot lose more than 3 wounds in each phase. 

With a 2+ save and a 4+ Invuln, he will be fairly tough. Then, he will be impossible to kill in one phase, meaning in shooting it would take at least two turns of targeting to kill him. Pretty interesting rule overall, and that confirms at least one of the Phoenix lords will have a 4+ from the rumor above.

Other than that though, we think Eldar players will be happy so far with this tidal wave of news and rumors for all things Aeldari. Use the links below to check out our other coverage:

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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