The marque event for Adepticon is the Warhammer 40k Team Tournament, and the 2024 armies were incredible to behold!
Adepticon has players from all over the country stop in and show off their most beautifully painted armies. On the Team Tournament side, they put in a ton of work and made some awesome displays for the tournament!
Incredible 40k Team Tournament Armies From AdeptiCon 2024
Here are our votes for the Top Painted Team Armies at Adepticon 2024.
We move fast taking pictures when we’re guests at tournaments helping to cover the event for them. If any of these features are your army and you would like the full-size images or credit added to the article, just email us: support AT
Unfortunately for these humans, it looks like the Orks have won the battle and taken over their puny city! If you look closely, though, you can see an old enemy waiting in the back!
Orks. Space Marines, & Guard
Helsreach is such a famous battle, and this team did an amazing job bringing it to life in miniature form!
Space Marines
This is a Space Marine chapter truly showing out, with plenty of flyers, tanks, and Marines! We would not want to be the ones facing such a force.
Adeptus Mechanicus
They might be from different worlds, but they are fighting together in the meantime. Who knows what each is actually searching for?
Imperial Guard
These Guardsmen are quite entrenched, and if you’re going to take this world from them, you better bring enough firepower to dislodge them!
Chaos (in Four Forms)
This team leaned into the four major Gods of Chaos with a Primarch for each (maybe one day soon, Fulgrim will actually get a model).
When a whole world awakens, the amount of Necrons that come out is quite frightening!
Chaos Knights, World Eaters, Guard, & Space Marines
It’s hard to pick a side in this battle, as the forces of Choas and the Imperium both showed up with some of their most elite troops.
Why bring a bunch of armies when you can just bring a bunch of Tyranids? It seems like something the Hivemind whispered to us in the night, but we’re going to just run with it!
Imperial Knights
What would a tournament be without a ton of Knights? They made a really cool display board to show off the miniatures.
Overall, these 40k team armies on display at Adepticon 2024 are as stunning and awe-inspiring as ever, and we can’t wait to see more fantastic Team armies at AdeptiCon next year!
Look for more in-depth features coming soon for each of these hobby masterpieces!
Click Here For More AdeptiCon 2024 Coverage!
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