Warhammer 40k New Daemon Saves Confirmed by GW!

chaos-daemons-codex-new-9th-editionGW has confirmed new Warhammer 40k Daemon saves rules along with Bloodletter and Pink Horrors profiles- check out all the new rules! 

We’ve seen a ton of rules rumors, but not a lot actually confirmed by GW, so this is good to see! This lines up pretty well with the rumors so far, so it looks like they will be close to what GW reveals going forward…

Warhammer Community unveiled the new rules, but first, let’s check out the codex release!

Chaos Daemons Codex Art & Details Revealed By GW!

Chaos Daemons

There’s another ever-present threat lurking just behind the material veil. Gibbering, bloodthirsty legions of daemons claw at the walls of existence, taking advantage of any tear in realspace to manifest plagues and curses, tempt mortal souls, and slaughter untold millions. All it takes to invite devastation is one ill-considered ritual drawn from a blasphemous grimoire… speaking of which, Codex: Chaos Daemons is on the way.

We’re not sure if many new minis will come with the book, but we could expect to see a new character model or perhaps a Combat Partol box.

daemons codex

The warp-wrought children of the Chaos Gods are bursting out of the immaterium with a 152-page tome packed with eldritch esoterica, forbidden daemonology, and in-depth rules for games of Warhammer 40,000. There are more ways than ever to bend the mortal plane to your will, thanks to 56 datasheets split between the four Chaos Gods – and Be’lakor, with his very own Army of Renown – alongside 25 Warlord Traits, 24 Relics, 36 Stratagems, and a profane slate of psychic powers for all.

The book is going to be quite large and plenty for every chaos god from the looks of it!

Warhammer 40k Daemon Saves Confirmed by GW!

Daemon Saves

Conventional armaments use crackling power fields and explosive force to punch through armour and alien hide, yet these munitions have little effect on inhuman horrors from the empyrean. Daemonic Invulnerability provides your seething hordes with two unmodifiable saves. The first represents their durability in melee, and the second offers them a defence against ranged firepower.

As you’d expect, Bloodletters care little about where the blood flows from in melee – and with those new stats, they’re even better at shedding it than before – but they make for a more challenging target at range. It might be their unnatural loping gait, or perhaps Khorne’s just too busy enjoying the spectacle of close combat to lend his protection?

As you can see, they are changing the saves to actually be two-parters (no longer just a single Daemon save) with one for melee and one for shooting. They also say they are unmodifiable, so even things that ignore invulnerable saves do not affect these (they say even Railguns don’t ignore them).

On top of that, Bloodletters are getting way better with extra Strength, Toughness, and an attack. However, it does look like they are all going down by 1 LD.

Pink Horrors

Daemon Saves 2

On the other hand(s), Pink Horrors are even squishier than before in close combat – but bullets and flames simply pass through their shifting forms as they blink in and out of existence. As with everything, this is by Tzeentch’s design – slaying one Horror just leaves you grappling with two more.

Pink Horrors having a 3+ invuln from shooting is actually pretty crazy. However, that’s offset by their 6+ in melee. Their profile isn’t changing much other than 3+ BS, which is nice, but again their LD goes down by one again.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Latest Chaos Daemons Rules & Rumors

Are you excited about this change to the Daemon saves? What about the updated profiles? 

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from all preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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