New Imperial Guard Rogal Dorn Tank Size & Rules

Rogal-Dorn-Battle tank imperial guardIt’s real; here are all the pictures of the new “Praetorian” Rogal Dorn Imperial Guard Warhammer 40k tank, including rules, size, and more!

Rob is back unboxing the newest release for Warhammer 40k, which has created some controversy. He’ll see what it takes to get it ready for the tabletop, show you the model’s size, how to magnetize it, and tell you the GOTCHAS to be aware of when building it!

We will show you everything, including the sprues, bits, and of course, the size. That way, you can decide if this is worth your hard-earned hobby dollars.

Imperial Guard Rogal Dorn Battle Tank: Unboxing

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games Frontline Gaming 

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 2You definitely want to magnetize this as the kit runs for $90 on release.


Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 3Everything looks pretty good, and most things seem like they just slap right in. You get three sprues in total, but just for a comparison, the Baneblade comes with nine sprues, but the sprue count doesn’t really add up to the price anymore, as the Leman Russ also comes with three sprues for $60.

However, many people are upset about this not having a bottom, but that probably would have made GW make another sprue for the kit, which might have increased the price even more.


Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 4To start, the treads don’t look too bad to build. However, you already have to do some magnet work right here. Rob would put a magnet in the side tread panel, using a 3/8″ magnet to hold it on through the plastic. OR, if you want to drill it out, use a 1/4″ magnet for attaching the sponson to later on.

If you drill the hole at this step, it will be ALOT easier than gluing up the tread section and trying to do it later on!

We get all our magnets for hobbying from The Magnet Baron. Use coupon code Spikey10off to get 10% off your next order with them!

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 5Overall, this looks like the chassis lines up easier than most of the tank kits from before.

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 6The Turret is where you really need some magnets, as you may want all the options. He would put magnets on the initial assembly, but we’ll see how everything plays out when building it.

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 7The side sponsons also look pretty simple. Hopefully, they are push-fit, and you don’t even need magnets. However, you could just use a 1/16″ magnet for them if you need to.

Assembled Model & Magnetize the Rogal Dorn

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 8The model looks pretty cool, but let’s first jump into the magnets!

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 9There are two main magnets we’re going to use here, 3/8″ and 1/4″. If you do not want to drill through the white section above, you can just use the bigger magnets, and it should hold just fine.

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 10What he did for the sponsors themselves was he cut out two pieces from the sprue and glued them with a little poster tack behind them for support. Then he put the magnet on top of that.

For the sponson, he cut out some metal strips and put them on the front of the sponson, then a small 1/8″ magnet on each different weapon.

To drill out the small areas, he used the Wowstick to get the depth of the hole, then used a 1/8″ bit on his large pin vice to twist out the rest relatively easily.

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 11The front turret doesn’t really need to be magnetized, as it just locks in place.

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 12But if you want to magnetize the main turret to make it super secure, here is how.

Rob glued some metal strips onto the weapons themselves and drilled out the holes for the 1/4″ magnets on the turret. This way, the weapons are fairly flush and hold their weight easily.

Cap it off by adding a strip of plastic card in the hole behind the weapons mount, so the magnets dont fall into the turret and onto the table (because its bottom is open), and you’re good.

You can see the white plastic card behind the turret mount in the image above.

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 13Here is the list of magnets you’ll need to get the whole thing done. Again, we get all our magnets for hobbying from The Magnet Baron. Use coupon code Spikey10off to get 10% off your next order with them!

Size Comparisons

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 14Here is the Macharius, and as you can see, it’s not even close size-wise.

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 15A Leman Russ with trench rails on it is about the same length, but the footprint is a little bit different.

No Bottom

Rogal Dorn Battle Tank 16Well, who knows, maybe you can use the bottom for extra storage. You don’t see it on the tabletop, but we can see how it is a little annoying not to have the bottom.

Be sure to watch the video below for all the tips on magnetizing your new Rogal Dorn tank!

Click Here to Get Your New Rogal Dorn Tank!


GW Reveals More Details on the New Rogal Dorn Tank: December 19th, 2022

Warhammer Community unveiled all the new details, so let’s get into it!

Rogal Dorn Tank Details 2

One thing we wanted to achieve with the silhouette was that perspective of a huge tank looming over you – just like in Imperial propaganda. It’s a demonstration of Imperial might. So it has these huge tracks and a big mantlet around the main gun. Even the curved skid plate makes it look like it can crush its way over a trench. If you look up at the front of it from below, it’s an intimidating vehicle, it has a sense of scale.

We saw more about the actual size of the tank here, but it’s really big and, from this vantage point, is just awesome!

Rogal Dorn Tank Details 3

The stowage is also really versatile – there are plenty of sandbags, packs, tools, and oil canisters – but we’ve been careful with the sizing so they fit in lots of different places. The smaller stowage parts are even cross-compatible with the new Sentinel kit, so you can accessorise those too. 

It’s always fun to mix and match your kits, and from the looks of it, there will be a ton of extra bits!

Rogal Dorn Tank Details 4

It really is an adaptable kit, there are loads of options to suit the role of the tank in your army. You could have it as a lighter, long -range gun platform by leaving off the track guards, side skirts, and sponsons, or you can make it look like a heavy linebreaker with all the armour and extra pintle weapons added on. 

There’s a lot of flexibility with how you place things, so some of the vision slits are optional. If you leave the fuel tanks off the back, there’ll be a crew hatch instead!

Just like with the Baneblade, there will be a lot of extra space on the tank to put things. So, you can either go with something a little easier to paint or add on all the accessories.

Rogal Dorn Tank Details 5

One of my favourite parts is the optional fold-down step for the external gunner. In the past some real-life tanks mounted an external machine gun to deter warplanes, so it’s another narrative element you can add as well as being an extra gun. Besides, isn’t it so very Imperial to have a huge armoured vehicle bristling with weapons, and then have an expendable Guardsman standing vulnerably on the outside?

Last but not least, there are a lot of guns on this bad boy, and you can add some extra gunners.

GW Confirms Imperial Guard Rogal Dorn Tank Size! November 2, 2022

Rogal Dorn Size

Make no mistake, it’s a big lad! The Rogal Dorn has more bone-crushing power than a Leman Russ, but not quite the excess of a Baneblade. It’s the perfect middle ground – and this extends to the datasheet.

As you can see, the rumors seem right as it’s more or less right in-between on size, making the Leman Russ look sort of small, but it’s quite smaller than the Baneblade.  Hopefully it will be a decent amount cheaper money-wise than the Baneblade, but we’ll just have to wait and see on that…

Rogal Dorn Size 2

With size comes durability, and the Rogal Dorn has that in spades. Its excellent Toughness, Wounds, and Save means it’ll stick around on even the most blistering battlefield, but it has a little more manoeuvrability than a super-heavy. 

Now to compare the profiles! With four more wounds and another toughness, this should be much harder to bring down. There are a lot of Strength 4 and Strength 8 weapons out there, so should really swing some of those rolls in your favor.

Luckily, it keeps the 10″ movement so it won’t be lagging behind.

Baneblade rules

The Baneblade has also seen some improvements. Your first two sponsons packing lascannons and twin heavy bolters are rolled into its base cost, making it significantly cheaper than before. And don’t worry – you can still add an extra two sponsons if 12 barrels of death weren’t enough. Those are now cheaper too!

Getting the weapons put in the cost is always nice, but it also gets an increase in toughness which can be super powerful, and then it gets 30 wounds! These are going to be harder than ever to bring down, so roll your tanks into battle!

Rogal Dorn & Leman Russ Turret Rules Profiles

Then there’s the fantastic new Turret Weapon rule which allows tank turrets to target any enemies they want even while locked in melee, and also adds a nifty +1 to their hit roll as a bonus.

Although it has several excellent turret options, the Leman Russ and the battle cannon go together like chips and gravy, so tank commanders will be glad to know that this old faithful has had a boost. Then again, if you want to really splatter something from a great distance, the oppressor cannon on the Rogal Dorn cranks the firepower up to the max.

Both weapons are quite strong, but the Oppressor Cannon will hit insanely hard and can take out either vehicles, or has enough damage to take out some serious tough units with blast and a lot of shots.

New Imperial Guard Rogal Dorn Battle Tank Confirmed by GW! (October 24, 2022)

It’s real! After months of rumors, Games Workshop has confirmed the new Rogal Dorn Battle Tank for the upcoming Imperial Guard 40k codex!

Warhammer Community unveiled the new tank along with what you can arm it with! If you’ve been waiting patiently for this, it’s not too far away now!

Rogal Dorn Tank

The new Rogal Dorn Battle Tank is a behemoth of a vehicle, perfectly suited for smashing enemy positions and anchoring defensive lines. Its heavy armour gives it durability worthy of the Praetorian’s name, while its powerful engines ensure it doesn’t fall behind squadrons of Leman Russ Battle Tanks.

The rumors were for this to be bigger than a Leman Russ but smaller than a Baneblade, and from the pictures, it looks like this is exactly what we’re getting!

Rogal Dorn Tank 2

Its turret mounts either two full-size battle cannons, or an enormous oppressor cannon. The latter in particular is a devastating anti-armour powerhouse, capable of knocking out almost anything up to a Chaos Knight in a single salvo – and it’s still got room for a cheeky co-axial autocannon to the side.

We’ve even heard rumors about the oppressor cannon (below), but it seems hard to go wrong with two battle cannons as well!

Rogal Dorn Tank 3

The firepower doesn’t stop there – the Rogal Dorn mounts a deadly castigator gatling cannon on the hull, perfect for scything down infantry. Or you can be trade that out for a pulveriser cannon – the demolisher cannon’s only-slightly smaller brother. The tank can be further augmented with a pair of heavy stubbers or meltaguns, and in classic Astra Militarum fashion, you can also strap a pair of heavy bolter or multi-melta sponsons on the side. There’s even a pintle-mounted heavy stubber for any gunner brave enough to clamber up top.

It’s nice to have extra options, and honestly, this looks pretty awesome! If you don’t feel like throwing a Baneblade down, this might be the way to go!

Rogal Dorn Tank 4

While this doesn’t show the size directly next to a Russ, you can tell how much bigger it is when putting next to the sentinels and Guardsmen. From the 60mm weapon team base in the back, this appears to be a similar size to a Space Marines Land Raider!

The Rogal Dorn Battle Tank will be rolling off the assembly lines before long, but there’s still time for one last model reveal next week. Have we saved the best for last?

It looks like we have one new model to go for their promise of a month of new model revals! The rumors would all point to a new Lord Solar on horseback, so maybe that will be the last one. Plus all the rumors have been right so far, so we wouldn’t be surprised to see that next.

For now, though, let’s check out the rumors we’ve seen about the new tank!

Rogal Dorn Tank 40k Rules Rumors:

First, these are rumors, so take them with as much salt as you need! This breakdown was sourced from Reddit.

  • This model’s twin battle cannon can be replaced with 1 oppressor cannon and 1 co-axial autocannon.
  • This model’s castigator Gatling Cannon can be replaced with 1 Pulveriser Cannon
  • This model can be equipped with one of the following: 2 meltaguns; 2 additional heavy stubbers.
  • This model can be equipped with one of the following: 2 heavy bolters; 2 multi-meltas.
  • This model can be equipped with armoured tracks.
  • Bs 4+ T9 2+ save (turret weapon rule)
  • Oppressor cannon D6+3 shots Str10 Ap -3 Damage 4 Blast 90-inch range
  • Armoured Tracks (upgrade) D1 weapons give you a +1 arm save
  • Between 250-280 points
  • 17 wounds

We’ve also heard rumors about this for a long time, and it looks pretty strong. With all kinds of weapons, a ton of wounds, and Toughness 9. However, it does seem to be BS 4, but that was expected.  Perhaps it will get +1 to hit like the current Leman Russ Tank Turret rules rumor?

There is more in this video, along with an internal link to a Google Doc with all the rules rumors.

Here are all the rumors that led up to the big reveal of the Rogal Dorn Imperial Guard battle tank in 2022.

RUMORS: New Imperial Guard Plastic Model Kits On The Way

Supposedly a new tank fitting somewhere in between the Leman Russ and a Baneblade is on the way next for treadheads to collect.

imperial guard armyYou can see the difference in size between the Baneblades and the Leman Russ. Well, if you want something in-between that size, it looks like you’ll get it! While the new tank hasn’t been officially named yet, but supposedly it will be big.

It will be awesome to have a tank larger than a Russ; hopefully, the new model will be kick-ass!  Here were the original rumors about the new tank:

RUMORS: New Imperial Guard Plastic Model Kits On The Way

Chapter Master Valark claims to have the good on not only the new Rumor Engine model that may be for Imperial Guard, but also on even more upcoming kits.

Did a video on this for those who want to watch but listed down below as well, this comes from the source who I call Alpharius who hasn’t been wrong before. This comes with the Rumour Engine image from today.

Lots of New stuff for the Imperial Guard:

    • New Tank (Apparently named Rogal Dorn Battle Tank)
    • New Kasrkin Kit
    • New Sentinel Kit
    • New Veteran Cadians/Command Squad
    • New HQs 

From what was said to me, it’s basically a range refresh with a bunch of badass looking Cadians.

As always trust in what you want, just because I trust this source doesn’t mean you have too.

So either someone is trolling Valrak, or perhaps there is a shred of truth to be gleaned from all of this.

These next rumors also come from Reddit and seem pretty solid. The tank has all but been confirmed, and we’ve actually seen a few Rumor Engines around what may happen with the Karskins.

  • The new tank is sized between the LRBT & Baneblade and is supposed to be T9.
  • Krieg will be their own regiment
  • Deathstrike will have 3 missiles
  • TCs are going to BS4, with +1 to hit
  • Turret weapons will be able to fire out of combat (like the Baneblade)

We also heard the new tank’s name has been confirmed as the Rogal Dorn Battle Tank (cause we can’t have just one tank named after a Primarch, lol). It also makes sense in a way, as it gives you another choice that is bigger than a Leman Russ but still smaller than a giant Baneblade.

Supposedly it will also be less than 18 Wounds, so can still be obscured. With Toughness 9, this will be much harder to kill than normal tanks.

And finally, according to an industry insider, this set of rumors:

  • The new tank is called the Praetorian (aka Rogal Dorn) and it will feature twin battle cannons that can be replaced with an even bigger gun.

Either way, we know the rest of those rumors are real, so it stands to reason there will be a new Imperial Guard tank fitting these rumors as well, right?

RUMORS: New Imperial Guard Tank Hidden in Plain Sight!

This isn’t the first time Games Workshop would put out new models in artwork, and in the background of things, they basically do it all the time.

Not too long ago, GW put four new models in the Vigilus artwork for Chaos, so there is plenty of precedent for this. Plus, we’ve heard rumors about this new tank for nearly a year now, so it would make sense to start seeing something finally!

The actual new “Praetorian” Rogal Dorn Imperial Guard was hidden in plain sight from the last round of previews from Games Worksop

Let’s take look at the box art for the new Cadia Stands Imperial Guard Army Box.

Rogal Dorn TankEven from a distance, you can see two tanks in the top right of the box!

Rogal Dorn TankWhen you get closer, that looks an awful lot like a giant tank, but not quite a Baneblade size. Oh, what’s a little smaller than a Baneblade, but bigger than a Leman Russ, supposedly? That’s right, the new tank! The proportions seem to be too off for it to be a Russ or any other tanks we know are out there.

Plus, it seems to have troops riding on the back of it, on a firing deck, and it has pretty much-exposed treads for the most part as well, unlike the current Leman Russ kit.

Rogal Dorn TankSeems to be firing from the top? In a later pic, below with Angron, it even looks to have sponsons right up on the front. However, this isn’t the only picture we have of the rumored tank. 

Hidden in Plain SightIf you look in the background of this reveal for the Castellan, that looks a lot like the wreckage of a giant tank in the background! Obviously, they have it very blurred, but when compared to the Guardsmen in front of it, it looks giant! It could obviously just be a scratch-built piece of terrain, but when you look at the top turret, it could very well be the new tank.

For reference, the front of the wrecked Tank seems to be positioned to the far right of this image, just over the Ogryn’s shoulder.

However, this isn’t all we’ve seen of what may be a new “Praetorian” Rogal Dorn Imperial Guard tank.

angron and cadiansEverything else in this Angron pic is coming true, so it would make sense for that tank in the bottom right corner to also be the new tank.

While you can’t see a ton from this picture, you can see the front sponsons. Which more or less correlates with what else we’ve seen so far. As we said, this isn’t the first time GW showed off new minis in the artwork.

GW Loves to Put Models in Artwork

Hidden in plain sight

This was the artwork from Vigilus, and man, it was loaded with new Chaos minis hidden in plain sight! Technically the Sorceror and Obliterators had already been revealed before this art. Then we saw the Dark Apostle next, and it wasn’t on anyone’s radar until this.

Lastly, we then saw the Lord Discordant previews later on, keen hobbyists remembered he was first spotted off in the distance of this piece of art as well! So while the picture above might not actually be something new, GW does like to show things off this way historically! 

Either way, the Imperial Guard looks to be getting a slew of new models that may also satiate the discerning treadhead.  Dope new rules would be a fantastic pairing to have as well in their upcoming codex.

Check out the latest rumors about the rest of the 9th and 10th Edition Warhammer 40k rumors for new releases, including the next 40k Primarch, Space Marines, and more!

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch out for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

What do you think of the new “Praetorian” Rogal Dorn Imperial Guard tank size and rules now?

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