How to Play Orks in 10th Edition 40k: Rules Guide

orks-new-rules-warhammer-40k-10th-EditionNew 10th Edition 40k Orks are here – from Stratagems, Datasheets, and army rules; here is our review guide on how to play them.

Exciting changes to the Orks army’s gameplay, rules, and style are here with the release of their new Warhammer 40k index cards. This review guide provides an overview of the new index cards, including Stratagems, Datasheets, and army rules, to help players understand how to play Orks in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k.

Additionally, we’ll take a closer look at the new rules, giving you everything you need to dominate the battlefield. Get ready to unleash the power of the WAAAGH! and conquer your enemies with these rabble-rousers!

How to Play Orks in 10th Edition 40k: Rules Guide

These new 10th Edition 40k Orks rules come from Warhammer Community.

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules

Being able to charge and Advance in the same turn makes it easier to get right into a fight – which is where most of your ladz belong. Extra Strength and more Attacks in melee mean you can krump even harder – and an invulnerable save keeps your army alive and kicking, no matter how hard your enemy swings back.

Experienced Warbosses already know how to Waaagh!, but there are two changes you don’t want to miss. For one, this ability boosts EVERY model in your army. No fiddling about with different keywords. For two, you kick off a Waaagh! at the start of a battle round, not in your Command phase – so if you’re going second, you’ll get to use that invulnerable save to shrug off enemy dakka before you start declaring charges in your turn. 

This is now at the start of a battle round, so if you’re going second, as they say, you can actually call this down on the first turn to save your army from an alpha strike list.

Then use it on your turn to either get stuck in faster or give your entire army more strength and attacks!

Orks Combat Patrol

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Orks Combat Patrol 4

Orks WAAAGH! Tribe Detachment Rules

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 2

Orks are at their best when they Get Stuck In, and the Waaagh! Tribe Detachment rule gives you Sustained Hits on your melee weapons, from choppas to squighog jaws. That means you’ll land an extra hit for every Hit roll of 6 – one hit plus one hit equals two hits, which is twice as choppy as one hit!

For Orks, this is huge because you’re going to have a ton of attacks, and getting two hits for every six in combat is just always awesome!

New 10th Edition Warhammer 40k Orks Datasheets

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 3

These trophy-hungry ladz are great for claiming anclaiming an objective or hurting your foes, and dead good at bringing down big targets – MONSTERS and VEHICLES better beware, even with how tough they’ve got lately. 

With Toughness five and FNP, they should be somewhat hard to just cut through super fast. Then, with three attacks each at Strength 5 and -1AP (with a Choppa), you should really get some damage done. Lastly, they are actually decent at taking down vehicles and monsters, as they can re-roll the hit roll!

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 4

Big new Tyranid beastie? Brutalis Dreadnought? Something even bigger? Ghazghkull will tear them all to shreds with Gork’s Klaw – and as the Prophet of Da Great Waaagh!, his bodyguard of Meganobz gets even choppier. Er, klaw-ier?

With ten wounds (not to mention the 4+ invulnerable) and the ability to join a unit, he should almost always make it to combat. Then, if you put him in a unit of Meganobz, they will hit super hard with the +1 to Hit and Wound.

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 10

When compared with his current profile, he goes down 1 in Toughness but goes to 6 attacks base and keeps the 14 Strength. He does lose 1 AP in both melee and shooting. His auras have changed up, and now he gives lethal hits to units in range when a WAAAGH! is called. Lastly, he can now lose more than four wounds in any phase and goes down by two wounds.

However, he can join units, so you can’t target him (other than special abilities), which ups his survivability a lot.

New Weapon Rules

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 5

Orks have plenty of teknical export-ease – which means it’s easy to export a bullet into someone’s noggin. The Meks cook up loads of different weapons, from shootas and sluggas to skorchas and snazzguns. The high point of Ork engineering has got to be the Stompa – a walking effigy of the Great Green Gods with enough guns to wipe out entire squads, like the hefty deffkannon.

This gets a ton of attacks, strength, AP, and Damage, but like all Ork weapons, you will be hitting on a 5+, so roll high on those 3d6!

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 6

Like all Orks, this giant walker is even better at killing stuff up close and personal, with its advanced mega-choppa technology. Those Imperial Knights will soon be nothing but chivalrous scrap.

At 24 Strength, -5 AP, and 10 Damage, this can pretty much bring down about anything in combat!

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 7

If you’re looking for something a little more low-tech, how about tossing a fungal ball of teeth and attitude at the enemy? The squig launchas on the Rukkatrukk Squigbuggy don’t have an explosive payload, but squigs are much worse.

Indirect Fire is terrific on this, but that means you’ll only be hitting on 6s, so don’t expect too many squigs to land on their target!

New Orks Warhammer 40k Stratagems for 10th Edition 40k

Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 8

Some say Orks don’t know much about tactics, but they’ve not heard of Mork, the Ork god who’s as cunning as he is brutal. Or that might be Gork? Anyway, there are bunch of Stratagems to reflect how Orks fight. We all know that Orks Is Never Beaten – even if they lose, they can always come back and have another go.

This is a huge stratagem, as getting your attacks off either way is awesome. While it is 2 CP, this can let you destroy the enemy unit even if they are battering you in combat.Orks 10th Edition 40k Rules 9

This is a great trick for valuable fighters like Killa Kans when they get jumped – now they can pinch back before going boom. If you want to make sure you’re the one getting the jump, ‘Ere We Go makes your infantry even faster.

When you combine this with the ability to advance and charge in the same turn, your Orks will be getting there faster than ever!


How To Play Warhammer 40k Orks: Points

Balance Datasheet munitorum points changes warhammer 40k

You can find the latest points for playing this faction in 10th Edition Warhammer 40k here on our Munitorum Field Manual Points Updates Page.

Orks YouTube Review:

Watch the video below for some more insights into the faction.

Is It Still Worth Playing Orks?

Do you like rampaging across the galaxy, fighting anything and everything in your path? Well, playing Orks is totally worth it! Their win rate is great right now as well, meaning you not only get to have fun, but win games! They are a super fun army, are great to hobby on, and are just one of the most classic armies out there!

You’d be hard-pressed to find a more fun army than Orks.

10th edition year 1 roadmap

Updates, in general, for any game are just good business. That being said, it also seems like in 2023-2024, GW will have its hands full trying actually to get out all these codexes.

However, Orks are fairly early on the list for armies to get a codex, meaning even if you don’t like the index rules, you’ll have a book to change things up soon.

The new 10th Edition Orks Stratagems, Datasheets, and army rules have brought exciting changes to the gameplay and style of the army. With the index rules, players can unleash the power of the WAAAGH! and dominate the battlefield with these greenskins.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

Do you like the Orks rules for 10th Edition Warhammer 40k in this guide? Will you be playing them?

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Joined: 2019

Socials: @paschbass 

Bio: Dark Eldar Dracon and Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the third edition in 1998. He also loves camping because you can only paint so much! He joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the main daily writer since 2020.

Maybe one day, he’ll finish converting all his Ad Mech models and turn into a true tech enjoyer, complete with sad and happy robot noises!