New Warhammer 40k & Forge World Rules FAQs!

new-faqs warhammer 40kGW has dropped a new Warhammer 40k FAQs for the Core rules, factions, and even Forge World Imperial Armor as well!

Games Workshop released a lot of FAQs, however, some of them seem to have nothing updated even though it says they were. It might just be a caching issue. The most interesting stuff is probably the core rules and Forge Worlds stuff. If you want to see everything for yourself, you can download all of them here.

We’ll cover some of the big changes here for you, but since there is so much (and so many not actually changed), we won’t take a look at everything. If you see your faction in there though, it’s good to take a look and see what’s changing. Let’s check out the changes.

New Warhammer 40k Core Rules, FW, & Factions FAQs!

Core Rules FAQ


Core Rules FAQThere are even more that say updated but nothing was really changed in a major way, however, we’ll take a closer look at the things that are really changing.

Imperial Armour Compendium

Imperial Armour CompendiumFirst off Forge World is updating all the recent codex releases, starting with the Adeptus Custodes. They are mainly small changes like updating the LD value and adding Martial Ka’tahs to the units that need it.  Other than that the biggest change comes in the damage profile of the specialized Spears.

Imperial Armour Compendium 2Almost every Tau unit in the book grabbed an update to bring them on par with the new codex. Just like the Custodes, most of this is just to bring the units to the new codex.

Tyranids got a teeny update too.

Imperial Armour Compendium 3

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Lastly, there is a single FAQ question covered for the Decimator.

40k Core Rules FAQ

core rules changesThis is mainly a clarification to Drop Pods, nothing huge but really just gives more clarification on how the units interact on the first turn when they come down.

core rules changes 2


core rules changes 3Next, they made some clarifications to transports. the first one makes the units inside also suffer or benefit from the modifiers to the unit inside. So if someone puts a debuff on your transport, it will also affect the unit inside.

core rules changes 5This is a good change to make it read like they originally wanted it. So now you don’t get 2 extra attacks, it’s just one.

core rules changes 4We saved the most important for last. This basically means you can’t jump back into Deep Strike, you have to stay on the battlefield. This might be a change because of how the new Eldar will work. This also stops people from taking models off the table and bringing them back later in the game.

Again, if you want to download the FAQs for yourself, you can here.

Here’s all the latest on the upcoming rules updates and points changes for Warhammer 40k.

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews For 2022

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